3 types of irony DVerbal DDramatic DSituational DVerbal DDramatic DSituational.


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Presentation transcript:

3 types of irony DVerbal DDramatic DSituational DVerbal DDramatic DSituational

Verbal Irony DThe contrast between what is said and what is meant DFor example: “smart move, genius” DSarcasm is a form of verbal irony DThe contrast between what is said and what is meant DFor example: “smart move, genius” DSarcasm is a form of verbal irony Budget cuts get deeper

Dramatic Irony DThe contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what the reader knows to be true DEx: When Romeo finds Juliet’s dead body, we know she is not dead, but Romeo does not. DThe contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what the reader knows to be true DEx: When Romeo finds Juliet’s dead body, we know she is not dead, but Romeo does not.

Situational Irony DThe contrast between what happens and what is expected Ex: The ancient, abominably plain lady turns into a young and faithful wife After Emily’s death, Homers body is found in an upstairs room with a single strand of iron grey hair next to it