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“Success is counted sweetest” “Because I could not stop for Death” Dickinson.

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Presentation on theme: "“Success is counted sweetest” “Because I could not stop for Death” Dickinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Success is counted sweetest” “Because I could not stop for Death” Dickinson

2 Vocab.  Irony A discrepancy between expectations and reality. Types of irony:  Verbal  saying something, and meaning something else  A wife says to her husband, “Thank you so much for helping me with the dishes.” (as he sits on the couch).  Situational  when the opposite of what you expect happens  When a group of girls going to the prom spend hours getting their hair done, and it rains.  Dramatic  when the audience or reader knows something the character does not  We know the killer is in the room that the girl in going in; however, she doesn’t know this.

3 Dickinson  Success is … 1. According to the speaker, who is likely to count success as sweetest? 2. What is the “purple Host” in line 5? (Think about how the color purple has been used for notable things.) 3. Whose ear is mentioned in line 10? Why is the ear “forbidden”? 4. Describe the image in the last stanza.  Because … 1. What irony exists in lines 1-2? What irony exists in the second stanza? What is the irony in the last stanza? 2. How is death being personified? 3. What three things do the riders pass in the third stanza? How much time passes literally in this stanza? Figuratively, how much time passes? 4. What is the tone of this poem? Give some evidence to support your tone.

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