The Metaphorical Representation of Pride in Art and Comics 2015/05/28 Iju Hsu.


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Presentation transcript:

The Metaphorical Representation of Pride in Art and Comics 2015/05/28 Iju Hsu

Outline 1.Introduction 2.Literature Review 3.Methodology 4.Result 1.Prototypical Posture 2.Common Elements 3.Color 4.Animal and Symbols 5.Discussion 6.Conclusion

1. Introduction The significance of PRIDE –It’s a self-conscious emotion (like shame, guilt and embarrassment), eliciting when people attentional focus to the self, activating self-representations. –It’s a complex emotion –It’s a universal emotion –It’s highly related with Social behaviors Two Facets of Pride –authentic pride: or beta pride (e.g. I’m proud of what I did) [I won because I practiced] –hubristic pride: or alpha pride (e.g. I’m proud of who I am) [I won because I’m always great] Multimodal Research –Embodiment - language - art –Importance of emoji and pictorial communication

2. Literature Review Metaphor –Kovesces: Metaphors of Anger, Pride and Love – A Lexical Approach to the Structure of Concepts Metonymies for pride: Physiological effects (e.g. red face, increased heart rate, interference with accurate perception, etc.) and behavioral reactions (e.g. chest out, erect posture, brightness of the eyes, etc.) of an emotion Some metaphors: THE EMOTION ARE FLUID IN A CONTAINER Causes of pride: achievement, possessions, belonging to a group, etc. Scales, related concepts and the prototype: Justified pride; joy, satisfaction, self- esteem, conceit, vanity, etc. –Tissari: Justified pride? Metaphors of the word pride in English language corpora

2. Literature Review Psychology –Tracy and Robins: The Nonverbal Expression of Pride –Tracy and Robins: The Psychological Structure of Pride: A Tale of Two Facets. –Tracy and Robins: The Prototypical Pride Expression: Development of a Nonverbal Behavior Coding System Universality of pride Two facet of pride Cultural differences? Prototypical pride –Stipek: Differences between Americans and Chinese in the circumstances evoking pride, shame, and guilt cultural difference: Chinese vs. Americans

3. Methodology Art and comics –Two facet of Pride: hubristic pride (emotion) → personality: Pride –The seven deadly sins: pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust –Famous characters Comparison with verbal expression (Kovecses) and psychology research

4. Result 4.1 Prototypical Posture Verbal: Kovecses –Erect posture –Chest out –Brightness of the eyes –Smiling –Telling people about one’s achievements –Head held unnaturally high –Chest unnaturally thrust out –Forms of walking –Ostentatious/theatrical behavior –Thinking one is unique –Boasting

4. Result 4.2 Common elements Mirror Crown Fancy dress

4. Result 4.3 Colors 瑞維蒂《色彩觀》:「色彩被視為一般大眾生活中一項強大的感情因素。大家最有 興趣的自然是色彩對心理和情緒的影響,雖然科學界和醫學界對此抱持懷疑態度, 這個層面顯然是一般人普遍關心的話題,使得這個基本上屬於主觀範疇的問題大獲 重視。 Purple or violet 古時候染料貴:皇家紫 Colors representing the seven deadly sins are violet for pride, green for envy, red for anger, light blue for sloth, yellow for greed, orange for gluttony, and blue for lust.

4. Result 4.4 Animals and Symbols The seven deadly sins: –Horse –Lion Other: –Peacock –Elephant Pride, symbolized by the lion, peacock and horse; envy, symbolized by a dog; anger, symbolized by a bear; sloth, symbolized by a goat; greed, symbolized by a frog; gluttony, symbolized by the pig; and lust, symbolized by the cow and snake.

4. Result 4.5 Others high/low angle in comics? superiority

5. Discussion The differences between verbal expression, psychological expression and pictorial expression. Two facet of pride: harder to depict in picture? [event vs. personality] Emotion to personality Universality of pictorial expression Common element correspond with the causes of pride The popularity of derived personality: tsundere

6. Conclusion Universality of pride Embodiment experience, language and nonverbal expression (art and comics)