 Answered more A’s than anything else ◦ Northern Colonies  Answered more B’s than anything else ◦ Middle Colonies  Answered more C’s than anything.


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Presentation transcript:

 Answered more A’s than anything else ◦ Northern Colonies  Answered more B’s than anything else ◦ Middle Colonies  Answered more C’s than anything else ◦ Southern Colonies  Answered more D’s than anything else ◦ England

 Reason for Coming: ◦ Religious Freedom  Economy: ◦ Bad Soil leads to new ways of making money  Manufacturing/Trading  Fishing/Shipbuilding ◦ Subsistence Farming: Farming to feed families  Religion: Highly Valued ◦ Had to be a Puritan, not accepting of other religions

 Reason for Coming: ◦ Religious Freedom and Money  Economy: ◦ New York/New Jersey  Trading, Shipbuilding, Manufacturing ◦ Pennsylvania/Delaware  Farming (Bread Basket)  Staple Crops: Crops that are always needed  Religion: Valued ◦ Quakers: Bring Religious Tolerance ◦ Accepted all religions

 Reason for Coming: ◦ Economic Reasons  Economy: ◦ Agriculture: Focused on Cash Crops  Tobacco, Rice, Indigo, Cotton  Religion: Not as Valued ◦ Not a huge priority, spread out communities ◦ Maryland: Settled by Catholics, ◦ Passed Toleration Act  Freedom to practice whatever type of Christianity you want

Most Educated Least Educated New England: Mandatory Education Taught students to read the Bible Established Harvard University Middle Apprenticeships and Skilled Jobs Taught people trades like farming, trading, blacksmithing South Focused on Agriculture Spread out plantations made it hard for education Rich= Tutors

Direct Democracy Representative Democracy New England: Town Hall Meetings: Church going men voted on laws for the whole community Worked because they were small towns Middle Proprietary Government: Colony made laws based on English laws made by the King South House of Burgesses: Citizens voted on representatives who voted on laws Necessary because of large population