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This led to the redistribution of the world’s population?

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Presentation on theme: "This led to the redistribution of the world’s population?"— Presentation transcript:

1 This led to the redistribution of the world’s population?

2 European exploration and colonization

3 People from this continent involuntarily came to the Americas?

4 Africa

5 New England was settled by these people?

6 The Puritans

7 The Puritans settled in New England seeking?

8 Religious Freedom

9 The Puritans formed a covenant community based on the?

10 Mayflower Compact

11 Direct Democracy was practiced through ?

12 Town Meetings

13 The English ,Dutch and German immigrants came to the new world for two reasons?

14 Religious Freedom and Economic Opportunity

15 Virginia and the Southern Colonies were settled for what reason?

16 Economic Opportunity

17 Virginia nobility that received land grants from the English King were called?

18 Cavaliers

19 Who were the people who paid for their passage to America with a work contract?

20 Indentured Servants

21 The first permanent English settlement in the Americas?

22 Jamestown

23 Jamestown was established by what company?

24 Virginia Company of London

25 The First elected Assembly of Virginia?

26 Virginia House of Burgesses

27 It is now known as the?

28 General Assembly of Virginia

29 Native Americans will lose much of their ____ due to interaction with Europeans.

30 Land

31 Many Native Americans will die from?

32 European Diseases

33 Large Southern plantations led to the institution of?

34 Slavery

35 New England based its economy on?

36 Shipping, manufacturing, fishing, lumber and furs

37 The Middle Colonies based their economy on?

38 Farming and trading or shipping

39 Virginia and Southern Colonies based their economies on?

40 Cash Crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo

41 A strong belief in private ownership of____ and ____enterprise characterized colonial life.

42 Property and Free

43 New England’s colonial society was based on ______standing.

44 Religious

45 People who challenged the Puritan faith were known as?

46 Dissenters

47 Colonial area with many religions, a middle class, and a flexible social structure?

48 Middle Colonies

49 Virginia and the Southern Colonies had a social structure based upon?

50 Family status and ownership of land

51 People from this colonial area maintained closer ties with the Church of England?

52 Southern Colonies

53 This religious movement swept Europe and the colonies in the mid-1700’s?

54 The Great Awakening

55 Most of Virginia’s cheap labor,indentured servants, came from the countries of?

56 England, Ireland and Scotland

57 Most plantation labor will eventually turn to?

58 Slavery

59 Africans were brought to the Americas by this sea route?

60 Middle Passage

61 The difference between northern and southern labor will eventually lead to the?

62 American Civil War

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