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The Southern Colonies Virginia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Southern Colonies Virginia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Southern Colonies Virginia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

2 Southern Geography Chesapeake Bay Atlantic Ocean Appalachian Mountains

3 Cash Crops Grown to make money $$$ Tobacco Cotton Southern Economy

4 Plantations- large farms that usually grow one kind of cash crop.. Southern Economy

5 Indigo Sugar Cane

6 Southern Government Colonial Assemblies- –self-governed organization & structure of British colonial Government in America.

7 Virginia House of Burgesses, 1619 - Southern Government first representative Government in Colonial America. Rep resentative Government? Power is held by the people who elect rep resentatives to look out for their interests.

8 Church of England Religion: –Anglican Church or __________________ "Anglican" means "of England" Southern Society

9 Sparsely populated Plantation owners Indentured servants African Slaves Southern Society

10 Maryland Proprietary Colony Founder: Lord Baltimore Date: 1634 Reason for establishment: religious freedom for Catholics

11 Virginia Charter colony Founder: Date: Reason for establishment : John Smith 1607 Trade and Profit

12 North Carolina and South Carolina Proprietary Colony Founder: 8 aristocrats Date: 1660s / 1670 (SC) Reason for establishment: – Trade and Profit

13 Georgia Royal colony Founder: James Oglethorpe Date: 1733 Reason: Safe Haven for debtors –Served as a buffer state from the Spanish

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