Open Access Choices and Funding The Researchers (Confusing) View Bill Hubbard SHERPA and RSP Manager Excerpts from presentation at: Research in the Open:


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Presentation transcript:

Open Access Choices and Funding The Researchers (Confusing) View Bill Hubbard SHERPA and RSP Manager Excerpts from presentation at: Research in the Open: How Mandates Work in Practice RSP-RIN Event, RIBA, May 2009

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Researchers view Mandate

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher ? Researchers view Mandate

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher Researchers view from the past... Funding

Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher Institutional Repository Researchers view from the past... Funding

What do authors need to know What do I have to do? What restrictions are there on my publication route? How do I comply? Where can I get help?

Bill Hubbard