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Publisher Policies and RoMEO Bill Hubbard Head of Centre for Research Communications University of Nottingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Publisher Policies and RoMEO Bill Hubbard Head of Centre for Research Communications University of Nottingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publisher Policies and RoMEO Bill Hubbard Head of Centre for Research Communications University of Nottingham

2 Repositories in Russell &1994 Groups (UK) University of Bath Birkbeck University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge Cardiff University University of Durham University of East Anglia University of Edinburgh University of Essex University of Exeter University of Glasgow Goldsmiths Queens University University of Reading Royal Holloway University of St Andrews University of Sheffield SOAS University of Southampton University of Surrey University of Sussex University of Warwick UCL University of York Imperial College King's College London Lancaster University University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Liverpool Loughborough University LSE University of Manchester University of Newcastle University of Nottingham University of Oxford Queen Mary With others, effective coverage of the UK HE research base

3 Institutions - capitalising on repositories Open Access –Greater availability and wider readership –Increased citations –New contacts and research possibilities Information management REF and evaluation As resource for academic services Support for new forms and systems of research communication and collaboration

4 Publishers restrictions Publishers often insist on copyright transfer or exclusive licensing as a condition of publication Academics sign contracts to give away copyright; rights to re-use and exploit their research Institutions are primary owners of the copyright but waived to academics through custom and practice Intellectual and economic properties leave the system Publishers then control the exploitation of funded research and institutional assets

5 Scale of investment Public investment e.g. £300,000 over 24 months 12 Publishers income e.g. charge of £1,800, over 3 month publication process 2 4 6 10 time - months 8 direct money into system - £ thousands direct money out of system

6 How do we know what can be archived? RoMEO analyses standard publisher contracts Summary of contracts and conditions made available Publishers categorised into colours for easy reference Simple tick and cross for archiving rights Covers 626 publishers world-wide –covers majority of journals API to embed RoMEO functions into other services

7 The Open Access Rainbow For open access archiving - RoMEO colours –White - no archiving –Yellow - archive pre-print only –Blue - archive post-print only –Green - archive pre- and post-print Authors and others have clear guidance The alternative of Open Access publishing is termed Gold

8 RoMEO - the plot thickens, 1 JULIET introduced in 2006 Lists and analyses Funder mandates Summarises the mandates and assists support 50 funders listed at present –49 publication policies –21 data archiving policies –19 open access publishing policies Linking RoMEO and JULIET information to support academics

9 Juliet HomePage

10 Juliet Detail 1

11 Juliet detail 2

12 RoMEO - the plot thickens, 2 Some publishers use different contracts depending on the journal Some have subtle and even nonsensical restrictions Introduction of embargoes Hybrid journals with OA charges Replacement of archiving rights with paid-for option Some allow UKPMC archiving but not institutional Open Access publishers sometimes arent! Simplicity being lost...

13 How do RoMEO and JULIET fit in? Academics, or support staff, need accurate and authoritative information to find out what funders say should happen and which publishers will allow this to happen - and for how much! Funders and research managers need to get information out of the support system This support needs to be embedded within institutional systems and support structures RoMEO has an API -- JULIET is developing an API Academics need clarity

14 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher Researchers view from the past... Funding

15 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher Institutional Repository Researchers view from the past... Funding

16 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Researchers view Mandate

17 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher ? Researchers view Mandate

18 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate

19 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

20 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

21 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

22 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

23 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

24 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

25 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

26 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

27 Researcher Funder Public Funder Institution Publisher with OA Option Open Access Publisher Central/subject Repository Institutional Repository ? ? Researchers view Mandate Funding

28 What do we all need to do? Compliance and support are complimentary Collaborate on support given to authors The system to provide consistent, authoritative information from all stakeholders at point of need –RoMEO and JULIET can help here –Developments underway –Need to be integrated into institutional and funder systems Use infrastructure of repositories to benefit authors, researchers, institutions and funders

29 Benefits for institutions Get a more complete picture of research output from the institution Ensure compliance with funders requirements as competitive advantage for future funding Enhance research reputation for efficiency and management Support authors in their work within the institution

30 Questions? Bill Hubbard Head of Centre for Research Communications JISC Research Communication Strategist

31 CRC Summary SHERPA Partnership News - Information - Investigation SHERPA Services RoMEO - JULIET - OpenDOAR JISC Research Communications Strategy Strategy Development - Feedback - Dissemination SHERPA Projects RSP - NECOBELAC DRIVERII - OpenAIRE National Partner DRIVER Confederation COAR OA Research, Surveys, Projects University OA Services R & D

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