Nosocomial Infection ----Prevention and control Wang kefang (王克芳)


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Nosocomial Infection ----Prevention and control Wang kefang (王克芳)
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1 为了更好的揭示随机现象的规律性并 利用数学工具描述其规律, 有必要引入随 机变量来描述随机试验的不同结果 例 电话总机某段时间内接到的电话次数, 可用一个变量 X 来描述 例 检测一件产品可能出现的两个结果, 也可以用一个变量来描述 第五章 随机变量及其分布函数.
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一. 再沸器的类型和选择 立式 : 热虹吸式 强制循环式 卧式: 热虹吸式 釜式再沸器 内置式再沸器
实验六 高阻计法测定高分子材料 的体积电阻率和表面电阻率
CHAPTER 9 sterilization & disinfection. biocide  A chemical agent that inactivates microorganisms  Usually broad-spectrum.
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--- 严斌 溶液中铁离子的定量分析 --- 严斌. 定量分析作为分析化学的一个分支,其主要任务 是测定物质中有关组分的含量! 取样 干燥试样 分解试样 消除干扰 测定 计算分析结果.
化学系 3 班 何萍 物质的分离原理 世世界上任何物质,其存在形式几乎均以混合 物状态存在。分离过程就是将混合物分成两 种或多种性质不同的纯物质的过程。 分分子蒸馏技术是一种特殊的液-液分离技术。
2.血管的神经支配 缩血管神经纤维 舒血管神经纤维 交感舒血管神经纤维 副交感舒血管神经纤维 脊髓背根舒血管神经纤维 血管活性肠肽神经元.
实验八 — 高分子材料的老化性 能测定. 南京理工大学化工学院 一、 实验目的  1. 了解橡胶的老化机理  2. 掌握鼓风老化试验箱的使用方法  3. 测定老化前后的力学性能.
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换热器换热器 反应器反应器. 间壁 热流体 冷流体 热流体 套管换热器 外壳 管板 封头封头 挡板 ( 折流板 ) 封头 列管式换热器列管式换热器 管壳式换热器管壳式换热器.
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Unit Seven Talking about the Weather 教学目标: 1. 能够熟练用英语谈论天气, 做到流利、准确、自然。 做到流利、准确、自然。 2. 熟练掌握描述天气的词汇、 2. 熟练掌握描述天气的词汇、 短语及句子。做读、会说、 短语及句子。做读、会说、会用。 教学内容: 1.
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首 页 首 页 上一页 下一页 本讲内容本讲内容 视图,剖视图(Ⅰ) 复习: P107 ~ P115 作业: P48(6-2,6-4), P49( 去 6-6) P50, P51(6-13), P52 P50, P51(6-13), P52 P53 (6-18,6-20) P53 (6-18,6-20)
燃烧和灭火 第七单元 小魔术:烧不坏的手帕 操作:将手帕浸入 50 %的酒精溶液中,均匀湿 透后取出,用坩埚钳夹住,点燃。 1. 浸了酒精和水的混合液的手帕燃烧 时实际上是什么在燃烧? 2. 手帕在熊熊烈火中为什么没有被烧掉呢? 手帕上的酒精在燃烧,同时水吸收 较多热量供其蒸发,使得手帕没有达到.
《 UML 分析与设计》 交互概述图 授课人:唐一韬. 知 识 图 谱知 识 图 谱知 识 图 谱知 识 图 谱.
Nosocomial Infection ----Prevention and control Wang kefang (王克芳)
实验二 细菌的芽孢染色 一 教学要求 了解芽孢方法的原理,掌握操作技术。 二 实验原理 A few genera of bacteria, such as Bacillus and Clostridium have the ability to produce resistant survival forms.
光合作用的发现. ? 你知道吗 …… 光合作用是怎样发现的? 光合作用的发现及研究 1 、 1771 年,英国科学家普里斯特利的实验 1 、 1771 年,英国科学家普里斯特利的实验 指 出:植物可以更新空气。 如果是你今天做的实验,你得出什么结论? 绿色植物在光照下吸收了二氧化碳,产生了氧气。
项目二 机械手按压工件压力检测 拓展阅读:气敏 (酒精)传感器实验 任务二 气敏传感器在煤气报警器中的应用 主讲: XXX 学校: XXX.
1 、如果 x + 5 > 4 ,那么两边都 可得 x >- 1 2 、在- 3y >- 4 的两边都乘以 7 可得 3 、在不等式 — x≤5 的两边都乘以- 1 可得 4 、将- 7x — 6 < 8 移项可得 。 5 、将 5 + a >- 2 a 移项可得 。 6 、将- 8x < 0.
骨髓穿刺术及护理. 环境准备 环境清洁、消毒、无尘,室温不低于 200C 。注意遮挡。 医务人员准备 洗手、带口罩、帽子。
1 物体转动惯量的测量 南昌大学理学院
第三节 绕组绝缘处理 丽水职业技术学院. 一、绕组绝缘处理的目的 绕组绝缘中的微孔和薄层间隙, 容易吸潮,导致绝缘电阻下降,也易 受氧和腐蚀性气体的作用,导致绝缘 氧化和腐蚀,绝缘中的空气容易电离 引起绝缘击穿。 绝缘处理的目的就是将绝缘中所 含潮气驱除,而用漆或胶填满绝缘中 所有空隙和覆盖表面,以提高绕组的.
表单自定义 “ 表单自定义 ” 功能是用于制作表单的 工具,用数飞 OA 提供的表单自定义 功能能够快速制作出内容丰富、格 式规范、美观的表单。
第十五次课 1 、了解塑料基材的各种涂装方法。 2 、掌握掌握静电喷涂的原理。 3 、掌握静电喷涂设备(静电喷枪只掌握空气 雾化式静电喷枪和旋杯式静电喷枪)。 4 、掌握静电喷涂涂料的组成及特性。 5 、掌握静电喷涂的工艺要点。 教学要求:
力的合成 力的合成 一、力的合成 二、力的平行四边形 上一页下一页 目 录 退 出. 一、力的合成 O. O. 1. 合力与分力 我们常常用 一个力来代替几个力。如果这个 力单独作用在物体上的效果与原 来几个力共同作用在物体上的效 果完全一样,那么,这一个力就 叫做那几个力的合力,而那几个 力就是这个力的分力。
一、热机 1 、热机:利用燃料燃烧而工作的机器 2 、共同特点: 燃料的化学能 内能 机械能 燃烧 做功.
数学广角——优化 沏茶问题.
要求: 熟练掌握发动机的基本术语。 结合实物可以说出发动机大致组成。 掌握发动机的基本工作原理。 掌握发动机各系统的作用。
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目标与要求: 让学生了解材料美是布的基本特点,利 用布的特点进行创作,培养学生的创新和实 践能力。
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第二节. 广告牌为什么会被风吹倒? 结构的稳定性: 指结构在负载的作用下 维持其原有平衡状态的能力。 它是结构的重要性质之一。
高压绕组制造 《微电机制造工艺学》 由 NordriDesign 提供
§9. 恒定电流场 第一章 静电场 恒定电流场. 电流强度  电流:电荷的定向移动  正负电荷反方向运动产生的电磁效应相同 ( 霍尔效应 特例 ) 规定正电荷流动的方向为正方向  电流方向:正方向、反方向  电流强度 ( 电流 ) A 安培 标量 单位时间通过某一截面的电荷.
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新规范对基层医疗机构的新要求 咸阳市中心医院 朱爱群 电子邮箱:
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Nosocomial Infection ----Prevention and control Wang kefang (王克芳)

下列物品或情形该怎样处理? 体温计需要消毒吗?该怎样处理? 你发现手上扎了一根小刺,同学找来缝衣针要给你 挑出来,这根缝衣针可以直接用吗? 你从商店里买来一件 T 恤衫,你穿之前处理吗? 有个亲戚在你家吃住 2 天,他走后你想消毒一下餐具 和被褥,如何做? 2 Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization

Concepts Cleaning (清洁) Disinfection (消毒) Sterilization (灭菌)

Concepts Cleaning Cleaning is to remove the dirt from item surface by the use of water, detergents and mechanical actions. Will remove most organisms from a surface. Remove not kill !!!

Concepts Cleaning Disinfection A process that eliminates/kills almost all pathogens on objects, except of bacterial spores, to decrease the number of them to a harmless level.

Concepts Cleaning Disinfection Sterilization A process that destroys all forms of microorganisms, including bacterial spores

Decontamination Steps

Levels of disinfection and sterilization LevelBacteriaFungi ( 真菌 ) Viruses Vegetative ( 繁殖体 ) Tubercle bacilli (结 核杆菌) Spores (芽孢) LipidNonlipid sterilization ﹢﹢﹢﹢﹢﹢ HLD ﹢﹢ ± ﹢﹢﹢ ILD ﹢﹢﹣﹢﹢ ± LLD ﹢﹣﹣﹣﹢﹣ Low-level disinfection (LLD),Intermediate-level disinfection (ILD),High-level disinfection (HLD)

Items’ risk to patients  High risk(critical) items  Intermediate risk (semi-critical) items  Low risk (noncritical) items How to select disinfection and sterilization

Items’ risk to patients  High risk(critical) items Items that reach the sterile tissues or organs( such as body cavities and the vascular system). Items: Surgical instruments, syringes Items should be sterilized before using How to select disinfection and sterilization

Items’ risk to patients  High risk(critical) items  Intermediate risk (semi-critical) items Items that do not enter sterile areas of the body but contact with mucous membranes or skin closely. Items: thermometer, ventilator tube HLD/ILD, Sterilization is preferred. How to select disinfection and sterilization

Items’ risk to patients  High risk(critical) items  Intermediate risk (semi-critical) items  Low risk (noncritical) items Items that contact with intact skin, not mucous membranes Items: gown, sheet, blood pressure cuff LLD (in some cases, cleaning is acceptable) How to select disinfection and sterilization

Items’ risk to patients Characters of contaminated microorganisms 种类、数量、对消毒因子的敏感性 致病性芽胞、真菌孢子 — 灭菌、高水平消毒 致病性细菌、真菌、亲水病毒、支原体、衣原体 — 中水 平以上消毒 一般细菌和亲脂病毒 — 中水平和低水平消毒 How to select disinfection and sterilization

Items’ risk to patients Characters of contaminated microorganisms Characters of items 耐热、耐湿物品和器材,应首选压力蒸汽灭菌法 耐高温的玻璃器材、油剂类和干粉类可选用干热灭菌 怕热、忌湿和贵重物品,可选择甲醛或环氧乙烷气体 金属器械的浸泡灭菌,应选择腐蚀性小的灭菌剂 在进行物品表面消毒时,应考虑到表面性质 表面光滑 — 紫外线;多孔材料 — 喷雾 How to select disinfection and sterilization

Methods of Disinfection and Sterilization Physical Methods Chemical Methods: Heat Radiation Microwave Dry heat : Moist heat: Boiling Steam (Disinfection/ Sterilization) Sunshine Ultraviolet light Ozone Ionizing radiation Immersion; Rubbing; Nebulization; Fumigation burning 、 toasting

Physical Methods High-Pressure Steam Sterilization Sterilization the most common and effective method Advantages:  Highly effective;  Rapid heating and rapid penetration of items;  Nontoxic;  Inexpensive; 用途 :  常用于 : 耐高温、耐高压、耐潮湿物品的灭菌 ---- 金属、玻璃、橡胶、搪瓷、敷料等

Sterilization parameters Sterilization SterilizersPressureTemperatureTime 下排气式灭菌器 103kPa121ºC20-30 min 预真空灭菌器 205kPa132ºC5-10 min Physical Methods High-Pressure Steam Sterilization

Notes: Clean and dry items Package size : 下排气式 30 ×30 × 25cm ;预真空式 30 ×30 × 50cm Arrange all packages in a way that allows the steam to circulate freely. Timing until the autoclave reaches the required temperature and pressure. Follow the instruction for operating the autoclave. Packs should NOT be pick out of the autoclave until dry. Label accurately with contents, date of processing and expiration and store in storage cabinet. Monitor the effectiveness of sterilization Sterilization

Monitoring the Effectiveness Indicatiors Mechanical indicators Chemical indicators Biological indicators

Mechanical Indicators These indicators, which are part of the autoclave or dry-heat oven itself, record and allow you to observe time, temperature, and/or pressure readings during the sterilization cycle. Indicators

Chemical Indicators Each pack must have external chemical indicators. Indicator strips will change color when temperature, time, and pressure has been achieved. Indicators

Biological Indicators 非致病性嗜热脂肪肝菌芽孢. If the bacterial spores have been killed after sterilization, you can assume that all microorganisms have been killed as well. Advantages:  It directly measures the effectiveness of sterilization. Disadvantages:  This indicator is not immediate. Bacterial culture results are needed before sterilization effectiveness can be determined. Indicators

Toasting Sterilization (Hot Air Oven) 用途 :  适用于在高温下不变形、不损坏、不蒸发的物品: glass, metal instruments, oil, ointments and powders  不适用于纤维织物、塑料制品等的灭菌。 灭菌参数:  160 ºC, 2 hours;  170 ºC, 1 hour;  180 ºC, 0.5 hour. Sterilization Physical Methods

Notes: Clean and dry all items to be sterilized. Package size : 10cm×10cm×20cm. Organic items : temperature no more than 170 ℃ Sterilization

Other Physical Methods  Disinfection by Boiling  Ultraviolet Light Radiation  Microwave Disinfection High Level Disinfection

Boiling For items which are resistant to moisture and high temperature, such as mental, glass, rubber. High Level Disinfection Notes: Clean Open all hinged instruments and other items. Catheter should be filled with water. Make sure that all items are completely submerged because water must touch all surfaces. Once the water is in a rolling boil, start timing for minute. From this point on do not add or remove any water or items.

Notes: A 1-2% solution of sodium bicarbonate( 碳酸氢钠 ) rises the boiled temperature to 105 ℃ and helps to prevent corrosion of the instruments. The boiling point of water is affected by air pressure. Generally, every 300 meters is added, disinfection time should be prolonged for 2 minutes. Never leave boiled items in water that has stopped boiling; they can become contaminated as the water cools. High Level Disinfection

Air disinfection  A 30W UV light for every 10 m 2  The effective distance : ≤ 2 meters  The radiation time : min. Object surface disinfection  The effective distance: cm  The radiation time : 20-30min. Fluid disinfection  The fluid depth : ≤ 2 cm High Level Disinfection Ultraviolet (UV) Light Radiation The best anti-bacterial effect: nm.

Notes: Keep UV light clean: alcohol cotton twice a week. Effective condition:  Temperature: ºC Humidity: 40-60% Record radiation time after the UV light has been on for 5-7 minutes. When turned off, the light should be cooled off for 3-4 minutes before being turned on again Regularly check the output of the UV light  Intensity≤ 70µW/cm 2, change the light.  Time ≥ 1000 hours, change the light. Keep people off the room; cover eyes and skin if people couldn’t leave. High Level Disinfection

Microwave disinfection Uses: food, tableware, medication and some heat- tolerant non-metal instruments. High Level Disinfection Notes: Microwave is harmful to health, so avoid long term contact in small dose or large dose. Microwave can not penetrate metal, do not put objects in metal container. Water is a strong microwave absorbing medium, so wet wrapped item or put a glass of water in the microwave oven can enhance disinfection efficacy.

Methods of Disinfection and Sterilization Physical Methods Chemical Methods: Heat Radiation Microwave Dry heat : Moist heat: Boiling Steam Disinfection Low Temperature Steam Disinfection High-Pressure Steam Sterilization Sunshine Ultraviolet light ozone Ionizing radiation Immersion; Rubbing; Nebulization; Fumigation burning 、 toasting

Chemical Methods Sterilant  A chemical agent that can destroys all forms of microorganisms to achieve sterilization. Disinfectant  A chemical agent that destroys most pathogens but may not kill bacterial spores.

Disinfectant/Sterilant 消毒灭菌水平、用法及浓度、注意事项 Glutaraldehyde (戊二醛) Chlorine disinfectant ( 含氯消毒剂 ) Alcohol (乙醇) Iodophor (碘伏) Iodine tincture ( 碘酊 ) Textbook p73 表 4-4

Principles for Chemical Sterilization/Disinfection Before deciding to use a chemical method, consider whether a more appropriate physical method is available. Select appropriate disinfectant and method Pay attention to the effective concentration of disinfectant and contact time  Make sure the solution is still effective when you use a previously prepared solution or a new solution.  Put it in a sterile container with a lid and mark the container with the preparation date and expiration date.  Do not put gauze, cotton in disinfectant.

某妇儿医院手术切口分枝杆菌感染暴发 ( 1998 ) 表现: 1998 年 4 月 1 日~ 5 月 31 日共手术 292 例, 4 月 22 日~ 7 月 14 日发生切口感染 166 例。 调查: 20 份切口分泌物标本培养出分支杆菌(脓肿亚 型)。使用中和未启用的戊二醛半小时不能杀灭金葡 菌、 1 小时不能杀灭分支杆菌,测浓度为 0.137% 。 结论:戊二醛浓度错配导致手术器械分支杆菌污染, 从而引起切口感染

Principles for Chemical Sterilization/Disinfection Before deciding to use a chemical method, consider whether a more appropriate physical method is available. Select appropriate disinfectant and method according to the characteristics of items and microorganisms Pay attention to the effective concentration of disinfectant and contact time Clean, and dry all items to be sterilized /disinfected. Maintain enough contact time for items with disinfectant solution Rinse thoroughly with sterile/clean saline to remove the residue that is left on items. This residue is toxic to skin and to tissues.

Common methods 浸泡法( immersion ) 擦拭法 (rubbing) 喷雾法 (nebulization) 熏蒸法 (fumigation)

Immersion Open all hinged instruments and other items. Place all items in the solution so that they are completely submerged. 应用范围  耐湿不耐热的器械物品  如锐利器械(刀剪)、贵重仪器(导管、胃镜等)、 塑料尼龙制品等

Rubbing 应用范围  擦拭被污染物体的表面或皮肤、黏膜 选用:  易溶于水、穿透力强、无显著刺激的消毒剂  如用含氯消毒剂擦拭墙壁、地面

Nebulization 用喷雾器将消毒剂均匀地喷洒于空气或物品表 面进行消毒的方法。 常用于地面、墙壁、空气等的消毒。

Fumigation 将消毒剂加热或加入氧化剂,使其产生气体进行消 毒的方法。如手术室、换药室、病房的空气消毒。 在消毒间或密闭的容器内,也可用熏蒸法对被污染 的物品进行消毒灭菌。 常用的有甲醛气体和环氧乙烷气体。

Levels of disinfection and sterilization LevelsMethods Sterilization Heat/Microwave/Radiation Glutaraldehyde ( 戊二醛 )/formalin (福尔马林) /ethylene oxide (环氧乙烷) /peracetic acid (过氧乙 酸) High-level disinfection Ultraviolet light/ozone Chlorine disinfectant (含氯消毒剂) Intermediate-level disinfection Alcohol (乙醇) /Iodophor (碘伏) /Iodine tincture( 碘酊 ) Low-level disinfection Mechanical removing microorganisms 季铵盐类 / 双胍类消毒剂

Daily Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization in Hospital Hospital environment Bedding and laundry Skin and mucous membrane Equipment, instruments/devices Waste and sewage

Environmental : Air Disinfection CategoryIncludingMethods Ilaminar flow operation room, laminar flow ward and sterile pharmaceutical room, et al. laminar flow II operation room, delievery ward , infant room, protective isolation room, ICU, et al. air disinfector IIIcommon ward, examination room, injection room, emergency room, et al. II methods ozone, ultraviolet light, and chemical solution IVcontagious wardII and III methods

Environmental : Surface Disinfection Floor:  If no obvious contamination, Wet cleaning 1-2/day.  If contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms, use chemical disinfectants to mop or spay the floor. Wall:  Do not need regular disinfection;  if contaminated, use chemical disinfectants to spay or rub the wall. Object surfaces:  Use clean cloth or cloth with disinfection solution to rub the surfaces bed, bedside tables, chair, doorknob, windows, door and urinal.  If contaminated, use chemical disinfectant to spay or rub them, or use ultraviolet light.

Bedding and Laundry  wash and then disinfect patients’ cloth and sheet by disinfectant or high temperature;  use ultraviolet light to disinfect blankets, pillows, bed mattress;  wash and disinfect contagious patients’ and other patients’ textiles and laundry separately;  wash and disinfect health care workers’ and patients’ textiles and laundry separately.

Skin and Mucous Membrane Skin and mucous membrane provide protective barrier to microorganisms. choose appropriate antiseptics according to patients’ skin and mucous membrane site, pathogenic microorganisms.  Use 2% iodine tincture to disinfect skin, after dry deiodinize it with 75% alcohol.  Use 0.5%-2% iodophor.

Preventive Disinfection and Disinfection of Epidemic Focus Preventive disinfection Disinfection of epidemic focus  Concurrent disinfection  Terminal disinfection

 Hospital waste

教学内容 清洁消毒灭菌概念 消毒灭菌的方法 医院清洁、消毒、 灭菌工作 教学目标 解释术语:清洁、消毒、灭菌 掌握常用物理消毒灭菌法的方 法和注意事项 掌握常用化学消毒剂的名称、 浓度、使用注意事项 2 清洁、消毒、灭菌

Words: Nosocomial Infection Chain of Infection Source of Infection Mode of Transmission Susceptible Host Cleaning Disinfection Disinfectant Sterilization Sterilant