Ecosystem Dynamics. Trophic levels Levels of feeding in an environment Illustrate the flow of energy in an environment Producers- Organisms that “produce”


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Presentation transcript:

Ecosystem Dynamics

Trophic levels Levels of feeding in an environment Illustrate the flow of energy in an environment Producers- Organisms that “produce” their own energy Consumers- Organisms that consumer other organisms to obtain energy Autotrophs- Organisms capable of “feeding themselves” (via photosynthesis) Heterotrophs- Organisms that eat other things for energy 1° consumer- Organism that occupies the first consumer level above producers 2° consumer- Org. that occupies the second consumer level above producers 3° consumer- Org. that occupies the third consumer level above producers 4° consumer- Org. that occupies the fourth consumer level above producers Herbivore- Organism that obtains all of its energy by eating plant matter Omnivore? Org. that obtains its energy by eating both plant and animal matter Carnivore- Org. that obtains its energy by eating only animal matter

1° consumer Producers (autotrophs) 4° consumer 3° consumer 2° consumer Loss of energy Reduction in individuals And BIOMASS