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9 Square Vocabulary Builder

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1 9 Square Vocabulary Builder
Title: Ecology Vocabulary 1 Food Web Trophic Levels Carnivores All of the variety of life that make up a community. Organisms that eat plants. Food Chain Biodiversity Herbivores Autotroph A network of interconnecting food chains. An organism that can not make its own food (a consumer). Biomass The amount or mass of organic material in an ecosystem. Food Web Heterotroph A sequence of food transfers from producers through consumers. Energy levels in an ecosystem. Biodiversity Biomass Trophic Levels Food Chain All of the variety of life that make up a community. Carnivores Trophic Levels Energy levels in an ecosystem. Biodiversity Organisms that eat meat. The amount or mass of organic material in an ecosystem. An organism that makes its own food (photosynthesis). Biomass Carnivores Autotroph Food Chain Trophic Levels Food Web Biomass

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