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Energy flow in Ecosystems

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1 Energy flow in Ecosystems
Section 16.2

2 Energy is needed for life
Most life on Earth gets its energy from the sun Photosynthesis takes the sun’s energy and converts it to food energy Plants that can do this are called producers All other organisms, which have to get their food from plants or from organisms that eat plants, are called consumers

3 Plant  plant eater  animal eater  decomposer
Food chains Organisms are assigned a trophic level to represent where they fit in the movement of energy If we show just one set of trophic levels we have a food chain: Plant  plant eater  animal eater  decomposer Consumer trophic levels: Herbivores – plant eaters Carnivores – meat eaters Omnivores – eat both plants and meat Detritivores – eat organic wastes and dead bodies Decomposers – cause decay

4 Food webs Food chains only show one series of energy transfers
Food webs show all the possible food chains

5 Energy loss in food chains
Every time energy moves from one trophic level to the next, 90% of it is lost We represent this loss of energy with an energy pyramid

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