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The Marine Biome Marine Food Chains. Biodiversity The variety of living things in a particular area.

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Presentation on theme: "The Marine Biome Marine Food Chains. Biodiversity The variety of living things in a particular area."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Marine Biome Marine Food Chains

2 Biodiversity The variety of living things in a particular area.

3 Ecosystems The focus of all ecosystems is food. Energy is passed on by food.

4 Trophic Levels Autotrophs (producers): ▫ Make their own food using energy from the sun. ▫ Ex. Plants, algae, bacteria

5 Trophic Levels Heterotrophs (consumers): ▫ Need to eat other organisms to get energy. ▫ Herbivores: Eat plants, algae, bacteria ▫ Omnivores: Eat plants and animals ▫ Carnivores: Eat animals only

6 Trophic Levels Scavengers: ▫ Eat dead material. ▫ Ex: lobster, shrimp Decomposers: ▫ Break down dead material. ▫ Ex. Bacteria

7 Food Chains Energy is recycled through the trophic levels.



10 Food Chains The arrows show the direction of energy flow. They always begin with a producer.

11 Food Web Shows many food chains interacting in an ecosystem.


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