Definition: a “verbal” adjective e.g. The sleeping baby had sweet dreams. “sleeping” is the participle describing the “baby”. “had” is the main verb. ***Since Participles are “adjectives” they must agree with the nouns they describe in GENDER, #, CASE*** 3 Types of Participles: 1. Present Active Participle – “verbing” the noun 2. Perfect Passive Participle- the noun “having been verbed” 3. Future Active Participle – “about to verb”
The Present Active Participle Translation: “verbing” the noun (see sentence 1 st slide) Formation: present stem + ns/nt + 3 rd Declen. Endings ( 2 nd p.p. – re) nota bene : “ns” is used to ONLY form a participle modifying a NOMINATIVE SINGULAR NOUN e.g. 1. The sleeping baby had sweet dreams. “sleeping baby” is the subject i.e. Nom. Thus… dormiens infans (nom. sing. masc.) e.g. 2. The mother woke the sleeping baby. “sleeping baby” is the direct obj. i.e. Acc. Thus…dormientem infantem(acc. sing. masc.)
The Perfect Passive Participle Translation: “having been verbed” Formation: 4 th + 1 st /2 nd declen. endings English ex. The prisoner having been thrown in jail received one phone call. Latin ex. 1 – fabrī iactī in thermam clamabat. “iactī” is the PPP describing “fabrī” Gender = Masc., # = Plural, Case=Nom. Transl. = The craftsmen having been thrown into the bath, shouted. Latin ex. 2 – architectus vituperavit fabrōs iactōs in thermam. “iactos” is the PPP describing “fabros” Gender=Masc., # = Plural, Case = Acc. Transl. = The architect cursed at the craftsmen having been thrown into the bath.
THE FUTURE ACTIVE PARTICIPLE!! TRANSLATION – about to verb FORMATION – 4 th p.p – us, a, um + ur + us, a, um English: The thief, about to be thrown in jail, received one phone call. Latin : fur, iacturus in carcere, acceptivit unum vocem. iacturus agrees in gender, #, case with fur Gender = masc.; Number = sing.; Case = Nom.