EU Open Data Portals and Infrastructures Open EU Publications Office Luca Martinelli Publications Office of the European Union Seminar Open Government.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Open Data Portals and Infrastructures Open EU Publications Office Luca Martinelli Publications Office of the European Union Seminar Open Government in the Making 4 October 2012, Council, Brussels

EU Open Data portals and infrastructures 2012: Commission Open Data Portal 2013: pan-European Open Data Portal (prototype) : European Digital Service infrastructure for Open Data (Commission proposal for new Multiannual Financial Framework – Connecting Europe Facility) Sector specific Open Data initiatives (e.g. Semantic web of legislation)

Commission Decision 2011/833/EU of 12 December on the re-use of Commission documents Article 5 Data Portal The Commission shall set up a data portal as a single point of access to its structured data so as to facilitate linking and re- use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. The Commission services will identify and progressively make available suitable data in their possession. The data portal may provide access to data of other Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies at their request.

The European Commission Open Data Portal Commission: major data producer; many data sets already online (e.g. ESTAT) Vision: single access point, driver for re-use policy, progressive integration of data sets from other EU institutions and bodies Prototype portal based on an open source solution (CKAN); Collaboration between: EU Publications Office (Chair of the Steering Committee) DG CONNECT (re-use policy) Data providers (ESTAT, JRC, SANCO, SG, EEA,etc.) Portal formally set up by Commission Decision on re-use Opening planned in 2012 Target for launch: 5000 datasets from 10 different data providers

The pan-European Open Data Portal: single access point to datasets held by public bodies in the EU at European, national, regional and local level Report by Nigel Shadbolt "Towards a pan EU data portal (December 2010) LOD2 ( ): research project on Linked Data technologies. Produced ISA – Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations – Semantic Interoperability Connecting Europe Facility :digital service infrastructure for Public Sector Information/Open Data The Public Sector Information group: Working Group on the pan- European open data portal ( ) European Forum of Official Journals and Gazettes: Working group on Open Data/Linked Open Data Sector specific projects (deep vs wide): e.g. health and consumer protection, legislation

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Legislative proposals adopted by the Commission on 19 October 2011 Timeframe: : Budgetary and legislative negotiations in Council, Parliament (ordinary legislative procedure) Overall budget envelope: 50 billion EUR, encompasses trans-European networks in the fields of Transport billion EUR Energy billion EUR Telecommunications billion EUR

CEF in the field of telecommunications (includes Open Data) Budget overall: 9.2 billion EUR Scope: pan-European projects to give EU citizens and businesses access to digital infrastructures high-speed broadband networks - 7 billion EUR Digital service infrastructures (~10) billion EUR Include Public Sector Information/Open Data Infrastructure Core service platform and generic services

European Legislation identifier (ELI): a step towards a Sematic web of legislation: adopted by Council on 24 September 2012 (Council Conclusions) ELI consists of: -Unique identifier (URI) -Metadata -Ontology Reccomenadation to Member States to apply ELI to pieces of national legislation Components can be implemented independently of each other, but the combination of all of them will give the full benefits of ELI

European Legislation Identifier (ELI) The role of the EU Publications Office: integrate ELI as part of the EUR-Lex portal; host and maintain the register of formal descriptions of Member States URI schemes; host and maintain authority tables and ELI ontology. Conclusions: ELI, a flexible and unique way to reference legislation across different legal systems, paving the way for a semantic web of legislation: easier search, access, link and re- use of legal resources.

Thank you! EU Publications Office Eur-Lex European Legislation Identifier: European Commission Open Data portal (Coming soon!)