Seminar "Open Government in the Making" Brussels, 4 October 2012 Andrea Halmos European Commission, DG CONNECT Unit H3 Public Services
Open Government European eGovernment Action Plan Priority "User Empowerment": Citizens and businesses should be empowered by eGovernment services designed around users' needs and developed in collaboration with third parties, as well as by increased access to public information, strengthened transparency and effective means for involvement of stakeholders in the policy process. Government open to the contribution of citizens and society to co-create public value and engaged to respect three main principles: ensure full transparency of its actions, its processes and its data, enable participation of citizens to its decisions and processes, promote and accept the collaboration of citizens to the production of its services (OECD, 2010)
eGovernment Action Plan Empowering Citizens and Businesses Strengthening the Internal Market Efficiency & Effectiveness Pre-conditions User Centric services Collaborative production Re-use of information Transparency Involvement of Citizens Organisation process Administrative burden Open Specifications and Interoperability Key enablers Innovative eGovernment Green Government Seamless Services Personal Mobility Cross Border Services eGovernment Action Plan
Pillar I: Empowering Citizens and Businesses User-centric services: Services designed around users needs and inclusive services Flexible and personalised interactions with public administrations Collaborative production of services: Engaging third parties in the design and production of public services Re-use of public sector information: Maximising the value of re-use of public sector information (PSI) Improvement of transparency: Transparency in government decision-making and in its use of personal data (in accordance with the Data Protection Directive) Involvement of citizens and businesses in policy: Facilitating businesses and citizens through ICT solutions to participate in public policy consultations, debates and policy- making processes
Open Government House EU Treaties & Institutions eParticipation Preparatory Action eTEN FP7 FP6 FP5 CIP ePractice Ministerial Declarations eGov Action Plans H2020 (tbc) Building the European Open Government House with a strong element on eParticipation
eParticipation Preparatory Action ( ) 3 years of strong support by the EP 21 projects (EUR 12 million funding) eParticipation solutions, tools and services trialed in more than 30 pilot sites 70 MEPs (about 10% of total) actively involved in the projects Most national parliaments More than 50 local and regional authorities NGOs involved in the trial projects have reached more than citizens More info: Partners from 18 EU Member States have been active in the eParticipation trial projects
Other eParticipation projects Piloting: eTEN Market Validation and Initial Deployment projects funded in the past under the eTEN programme CIP ICT PSP Further piloting (beyond the Preparatory Action) through the ICT Policy Support Programme under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) 5 projects + Thematic Network (PEP NET – Pan-European eParticipation Network) Research: FP5 & FP6 Over 30 research projects supported in the past to develop concepts, tools and solutions for the use of ICT in participatory democracy FP7 The EC is currently funding 19 research projects in the field of "ICT for governance and policy modelling" Upcoming call (WP 2013) foresees further funding in this area
Portal created by the European Commission Service for the professional community of eGovernment, eInclusion and eHealth practitioners Workshops, face-to-face meetings, public presentations, real-life case studies Share real-life cases by publishing them on the site Meet peers from across Europe and expand professional networks by creating a personal profile Learn from the experience of others, rate and comment on the published cases
Thank you! eGovernment: eParticipation: CIP PSP: ePractice: eTEN: