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EU eHealth Agenda Petra Wilson Director

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Presentation on theme: "EU eHealth Agenda Petra Wilson Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU eHealth Agenda Petra Wilson Director
Internet Business Solutions Group Cisco Ilias Iakovidis Deputy Head - ICT for Health DG Information Society and Media EU Commission

2 The EU WIN3 approach for eHealth
Improving the quality of care – Saving lives ICT infrastructure for continuity of care, personalisation, prevention and improved patient safety Increasing of productivity- Saving Money Realising cost benefits by combining eHealth tools and applications with appropriate organization and skills Boosting economic development- eHealth Market To facilitate sustainable growth of transparent and innovation friendly eHealth market. Current market size estimated at € 20 Billion

3 The EU eHealth Measures
Research and Development Framework Programme 7 Co-operation and Deployment Competitiveness and Innovation Programme- Large Scale Pilots Policy Support Measures – creating the conditions eHealth Action Plan, Roadmaps

4 Research and Development
Personalisation of Healthcare Personal health system € 72 Million Improving Patient safety & avoiding medical errors € 30 Million Predictive Medicine – Virtual Human Modelling/simulation of diseases In FP7: doubling of the budget for the eHealth area

5 Co-operation and Deployment
Large Scale Pilots (competitiveness and innovation programme) to achieve and demonstrate a “federated” solutions across borders Smart Open Services in eHealth Interoperability Pilot 12 countries supported by 32 Companies Patient summaries to support care in unforeseen situations Medication data (for ePrescription)

6 Policy Support Measures Creating the conditions (1)
Recommendation on Interoperability (2008) Communication on Telemedicine (2008) Working with Member States on eHealth Action Plan Working with International bodies for worldwide exploitation of EU know-how and industry Moving towards certification of eHealth goods and services

7 Policy Support Measures Creating the conditions (2)
Working with other Commission services (DGs Enterprise, Market, Regions, Competition, Health and Consumer Protection) Lead Markets Initiative Legal framework (data protection, liability, trade, certification and accreditation) Innovation and financing (structural funds) Cross border health services

8 Thank You

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