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The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 Initial training for National Contact Points Brussels 30th October 2002 by Belmiro MARTINS,

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1 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 Initial training for National Contact Points Brussels 30th October 2002 by Belmiro MARTINS, RTD/K2 and Ian PERRY, RTD/K3

2 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 The context in the 6th (EC) FP, SP “Integrating and Strengthening the ERA” è SP totals EUR 12 905 million; è “Strengthening the Foundations of the ERA” totals EUR 320 million; è “Support for the Coherent Development of Policies” totals EUR 50 million; è of which...

3 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 The context in the 6th (EC) FP, SP “Integrating and Strengthening the ERA” (II) “Support for the Coherent Development of Policies” comprises: è Analysis and studies; work relating to foresight, statistics and S&T indicators; è Benchmarking of research & innovation policies; è Mapping scientific and technological excellence in Europe; è Improving the regulatory and administrative environment for R&D in Europe.

4 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 The organisational context “Support for the Coherent Development of Policies” : Analysis and studies; work relating to foresight, statistics and S&T indicators in the context of the implementation of the ERA: è Under Directorate K: “Knowledge-based economy and society”, K2: “S&T Foresight; links with IPTS” will deal with the “Foresight” part; K3: “Competitivity, economic analysis and indicators” will further develop relevant and harmonised indicators.

5 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 è Aiming to develop and disseminate S&T indicators, economic analysis, studies and to exploit the results of foresight activities at all geographical levels; è Conceived as a service, this platform will produce results to be disseminated in regular Newsletters and on a Portal Web site; è In order to render its products easily useable by those responsible for the definition and implementation of RTDI policies, other activities may be carried-out, such as, seminars, working and expert groups;

6 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 è Co-ordination with other programmes, namely with those of the EC/JRC and Eurostat, will be ensured for consistency and complementarity of activities; è The participation of the research community in this platform will most possibly be through an open call for tender for the services and deliverables required - collection of information and data and the preparation of analyses and syntheses; è Indicative global budget: EUR 10 million.

7 Foresight in the 6th EC Framework Programme 2002-2006

8 Possible Foresight activities in FP6 areas (I)  “Integrating and strengthening the ERA” In general: “(…) socio-economic impacts of scientific and technological development and foresight will where relevant form part of the activities.”  Under “Citizens and governance in a knowledge-base society”, “Appropriate co-ordination of socio-economic research and foresight elements across the specific programmes will be assured.”  Under “Policy support & anticipating scientific and technological needs”, “Foresight studies could also make a contribution to informing the priority setting process.”

9 Foresight in the 6th EC Framework Programme 2002-2006 Possible Foresight activities in FP6 areas (II)  “Integrating and strengthening the ERA”  Under “Coherent development of research and innovation policies”, “The activities relating to foresight will include in particular the development of thematic dialogue platforms and a knowledge base for users and producers of prospective analysis, the exploitation of good practices with regard to methodology, as well as the preparation of medium and long term scenarios for science and technology in Europe.” This platform aims at synthesising and diffusing the results of foresight activities carried at regional, national or European levels.

10 Foresight in the 6th EC Framework Programme 2002-2006 Screening the Expressions of Interest Results of search based on some keywords: ( è “Future”1 032 è “Foresight” 28 è “Technology Assessment” 15 è “Forecasting” 77 è “Emerging Technologies” 71 è “Prospective” 55 è “Scenario” 164 è “Scenario building” 2

11 Foresight in the 6th EC Framework Programme 2002-2006 The ERA-NET scheme è EC action may be developed taking early intergovernmental co-operation schemes as a starting point. While each participant funds its own research the EC may apply its “co-ordination actions” instrument to fund all activities involved in networking, mutual opening of programmes, exchange and management. è For giving these co-operation schemes a long-lasting effect, a robust structure and clear rules the “ERA-NET” scheme was developed ( In total € 160 million may be available to support the scheme. è It is a bottom-up approach and no preference is given to one research topic over another. Participants of the scheme will be public bodies and other national bodies operating at European level. A NET should have at least five different MS or Associated States participants.

12 S&T Indicators: possible activities under FP 6

13 è Development of indicators ý Improvement of existing indicators ý Development of new indicators è Use of indicators ý Production and compilation of relevant S&T indicators ý Policy relevant analysis based on existing indicators è Dissemination ý European Reports on S&T indicators ý Key Figures ý Final reports from studies

14 The “Knowledge sharing platform” in the 6th EC FP 2002-2006 Thank you for your attention

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