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Together. Free your energies How open and collaborative are public administrations in Europe? A benchmarking perspective October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Together. Free your energies How open and collaborative are public administrations in Europe? A benchmarking perspective October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Together. Free your energies How open and collaborative are public administrations in Europe? A benchmarking perspective October 2011

2 Together. Free your energies 2 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance Member States and the European Commission have collectively decided to measure progress against this goal of Empowerment and have launched a pilot benchmark on this topic. Why benchmark Open and Collaborative Government? eGovernment is a fast-moving target and the EC benchmarking has to anticipate new measurmement priorities. The new 2012-2015 eGovernment Action Plan outlines Empowerment as a key priority for European public administraions: Citizens and businesses are empowered by eGovernment services designed around users needs and developed in collaboration with third parties, as well as by increased access to public information, strengthened transparency and effective means for involvement of stakeholders in the policy process.

3 Together. Free your energies 3 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance A Pilot Study focused on the development of a Measurement Framework of Open Government and Transparency Policies OECD definition: Open Government means a government open to the contribution of citizens and society to co-create public value and engaged to respect three main principles: insure full transparency of its actions, its processes and its data, enable participation of citizens to its decisions and processes, promote and accept the collaboration of citizens to the production of its services. 3 Scope: ICT support to Open government: measuring the level of development of online Government activities aimed at guaranteeing Transparency, enabling Participation and involving Citizens in the Collaborative production of content and services

4 Together. Free your energies 4 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance The Methodology adopted resulted in identifying 8 measurable indicators Workshop sharing MS experiences in November 2010 Design of the Measurement Framework and Method paper Data collection: 3 surveys: MS representatives survey Web survey of Public Authorities websites: Web survey of Service Providers delivering online services Elaboration of results and calculation of indicators With the collaboration of 10 Member States, playing a key role from beginning to end in: designing the measurement framework, providing policy insights validating the results of the web surveys 4 The pilot study as such has generated data related to 8 new benchmark indicators. As part of the Member State survey on Policy Strategy and Monitoring: 1. Policy Transparency indicator 2. Participative Policy-making indicator 3. Collaborative Policy-making indicator As part of the Institution-based web survey: 4. Openness of Policy Process indicator 5. Online Collaboration indicator 6. Organisational Transparency and Accountability indicator As part of the Service-based web survey: 7. Transparency of Online Service Delivery indicator 8. Management of Personal Data indicator

5 Together. Free your energies 5 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance The Indicators Framework 5

6 Together. Free your energies 6 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance Policy Strategy and Monitoring Indicators (Indicative data) 6 100% = Full implementation

7 Together. Free your energies 7 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance Transparency, Participation and Collaborative Government Indicators (Indicative data) 7 100% = Full openness, collaboration, transparency

8 Together. Free your energies 8 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance Transparency of Online Services Delivery Indicator (Indicative data) 8 The figure shows the main steps of the Customers Journey Transparency decreases as the citizen progresses along the delivery chain 100% = full transparency

9 Together. Free your energies 9 ©2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved Insert "Title, Author, Date" | Discipline, Sector, Alliance Conclusions and Lessons learned – a promising indicator Useful insights on state of the art and potential feasibility of an EU benchmark Issue still evolving – difficult to cristallize quantitative indicators Modeling the process (Customers journey) very promising approach Review the design of the measurement framework – still too many indicators, sample too small, methods too supply-side oriented Needs more demand side approach and more work to focus on objective parameters Find adequate ways to deal with diversity Experiment some more – try with social media analytics? 9 A benchmarking methodology for Open Government in the EU 27 would be the first of its kind and scale around the globe!

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