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OPEN DAYS 2010 Workshop on eGovernment – The Platform for Modern Regional Co-operation Mechthild ROHEN Head of Unit ICT for Government and Public Services.

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Presentation on theme: "OPEN DAYS 2010 Workshop on eGovernment – The Platform for Modern Regional Co-operation Mechthild ROHEN Head of Unit ICT for Government and Public Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPEN DAYS 2010 Workshop on eGovernment – The Platform for Modern Regional Co-operation Mechthild ROHEN Head of Unit ICT for Government and Public Services DGINFSO-H2 eGovernment in the EU Priorities over the next 5 years

2 Issue: A new model of relationship between administrations, citizens and businesses Main challenges : User-centric services Moving from one size fits all' to 'tailor-made, open and customised public services' Mobility in the Single Market Closing the missing links for a Digital Single Market (eProcurement, electronic identity, eServices / Services Directive) Make mobility for businesses and citizens easier A sustainable public sector, fit for the 21st Century. Delivering better and smarter public services with fewer resources Participation in the political decision-making prpocess for the next generation governance Dilemmas & Challenges

3 Malmö Ministerial Declaration User empowerment Transparancy Reusable information Participation Single Market Business mobility Citizens mobility Cross-border services Efficiency and Effectiveness Administrative burden Organisational Processes Carbon footprint Pre-conditions Key enables Open specifications Innovation

4 EU added value is brought by launching projects: Support Member States to deliver cross-border public services to citizens and businesses through large scale cross-border pilots achieving interoperability Borderless eProcurement (PEPPOL) Mutual recognition of Electronic Identity (STORK) Support the implementation of the Services directive (SPOCS) Support the development of next generation ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling through research The eParticipation Preparatory Action with the aim of using ICTs to produce better legislation by integrating citizens in the decision-making process eGovernment: eServices for EU citizens and businesses

5 EU added value is brought by supporting coordination Ensuring the exchange of best practices through the ePractices Website Coordinate with the Member States (i2010 eGovernment subgroup) the implementation of the eGovernment Action Plan eGovernment: eServices for EU citizens and businesses

6 ePractice Statistics: 68195 Members68195 35 Countries 35 1440 Cases 1440 4140 News 4140 1361 Events 1361

7 Regional eParticipation some EU funded project examples VoiceS - Integrating Semantics, Social Software and Serious Games into eParticipation –a Toolkit on regional eParticipation initiatives which will also deliver services to help other regions setting up similar initiatives of their own, beyond the framework of this project CitizenScape - eParticipation in Legislation Implementation –CitizenScape is a citizen-driven initiative that will provide tools, applications and services that empower citizens to contribute to legislative and decision-making processes by Local Authorities. IDEAL-EU - Integrating the Drivers of e-Participation at Regional Level in Europe –A virtual Town Meeting (vTM) platform, aimed at creating opportunities for informed discussion and deliberation on concrete and relevant legislative or policy making topics, to become input for further decisions by the elected representatives For an overview of all our eParticipation projects see

8 Thank you for your attention!

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