Innovation Management Project Status Project Name: Innovation Management Project Budget : Operational Budget 2010/11 Original Start Date: August 2008 Planned Finish Date: Phase 1: 26 August 2011 : Phase 2: 03 December 2012 Current status : Planning –RAG status : Amber –Financial : Phase 1: no budget allocated 10/11 –% Complete: 40% –Schedule: Delayed start date
SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE High Level Project Status Initiation Planning ExecutionClosure Maintenance Analysis Design Implementation Operations & Support Initiation Planning Execution Closure Initiation Planning Execution Closure Initiation Planning Execution Closure
Project Detail Work Breakdown structure ActivityStart DateExpected completion date ProgressChallengesRAG Develop Governance & policy docs. Innovation Manifesto developed and signed off. June January % None. Develop Governance & policy docs. Business Case developed and signed off. June January % None. Develop Governance & policy docs. Project Charter developed and signed off. August January % None. Develop Governance & policy docs. Project Plan developed and signed off. September January % None. Develop Governance & policy docs. Establishment of Innovation Board. September July % Limited research data, policy challenges in terms of board establishment. Develop Governance & policy docs. Development of Policy for Innovation Management. September October % Limited research data.
Project Detail Work Breakdown structure ActivityStart DateExpected completion date ProgressChallengesRAG Develop Governance & policy docs. Framework for Innovation Management developed and signed off. September January % Compliance with DCS policy Develop Governance & policy docs. Implementation of an Innovation Champion Network November May % Corporate culture in the regions Participation in external Innovation Processes. Management of DCS entries to CPSI annual awards. May 2009September % None. Participation in external Innovation Processes. Attendance of CPSI Annual Innovation Conference. June 2009August % None. Participation in external Innovation Processes. Participation in Impumelelo Awards. June 09September % None. Participation in external Innovation Processes. Attendance of courses held by DBSA on Lateral Thinking and the 6 Thinking Hats October 09February % Budgetary constraints.
Project Detail Work Breakdown structure ActivityStart DateExpected completion date ProgressChallengesRAG Participation in external Innovation Processes. Attendance of DBSA Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship October 0918 November % None Participation in external Innovation Processes. Development of an Innovation Website for external communication November 0931 May % None Innovation Management Implementation. Innovation Management eNewsletter developed and signed off. September November % None Innovation Management Implementation. Special Edition Innovation Management eNewsletter developed and signed off. September November % None Innovation Management Implementation. Innovation Handbook developed and signed off. October January % None
Project Detail Work Breakdown structure ActivityStart DateExpected completion date ProgressChallengesRAG Innovation Management Implementation. Second Innovation Management eNewsletter developed and signed off. September January % None Innovation Management Implementation. Development of Innovation Capturing Software Tool URS March 2010July % None
Significant Achievements WORK STREAMMILESTONE REACHEDDATE Mechanisms/ Institutions of Managing Innovations. Innovation Manifesto signed off by interim IB Business Case signed off by interim IB Project Charter signed off by interim IB Project Plan signed off by interim IB CoE SC appointed as interim Innovation Board.September 2008 Draft Innovation Management Framework circulated to IB External Innovation Processes. Attendance of CPSI Innovation Conference Submission of entries to CPSI annual Innovation Awards Submission of entries to Impumelelo Awards
Significant Achievements WORK STREAMMILESTONE REACHEDDATE External Innovation Processes. Engagement with other external bodies in terms of Innovation Management: CPSI DBSA Innovation Fund September 2009 October 2009 Two DCS Projects short listed for the CPSI awards 2 nd and 3 rd position achieved in CPSI Awards - Innovative Partnerships in Service Delivery Category November 2009 One DCS Project short listed for the Impumelelo awardsMay 2010 Attendance of DBSA Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference 19 November 2009 Two entries submitted to the CAPAM awards for nd March 2010 Part of Pilot project on Course: Innovation Management in the Public Sector (A partnership between CPSI and PALAMA) 25 & 26 March 2010 Innovation Management Implementation Completion of 1 st Innovation eNewsletter Completion of Special Edition Innovation eNewsletter Completion of 2 nd Innovation eNewsletter completed Innovation Handbook completed November 2009 January 2010
Significant Achievements WORK STREAMMILESTONE REACHEDDATE External Innovation Processes. Branding material completed Poster Pull up banner Telescopic Flags Innovation Booklet March 2010
INNOVATION PROJECT RISK MITIGATION NO. RISKPROBABILITYIMPACTRESPONSE 1Misalignment of this project with other projects within the DCS. ModerateHighDirectorate Project Management to develop a matrix indicating common actions and alignment between Project Plans. Portfolio Management Governance should ensure alignment of all projects. 2 Resistance to change. ModerateHighChange management training; ensuring that new activities are meaningful and useful for personnel involved in implementation. 3 Poor transfer of Strategic plan into Operations linked to Budgetary and spatial constraints. High Capacity building, empowerment and guidance with constant monitoring.
Innovation Project –Memo to the NC, Minister & DM to seek approval for the website forewords –Website (link from DCS Internet) to be published in October –Awaiting outcome from CPSI Innovation Awards (Adjudication 6-9 Oct) –Awaiting outcome from All Africa Public Sector Innovation Awards (Adjudication early Oct in Kenya) –Innovation Board Meeting & Minutes circulated –Preparations for Board Meeting 20 October –Project Plan updated regarding User requirement specifications –Memo to NC regarding use of innovation sponsorship (joint submission with Excellence Awards) –Initiate process to formalise DCS Innovation Board. WORK PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD
Innovation Project –Provision of additional Marketing material to Regions –Print newsletters for distribution to Regions –Innovation Framework: Draft input for DM & NC. Once completed put en route for signoff by Minister –Monthly Progress reports to SPCC –Research: DCS responses to RiiS for consolidation WORK PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD