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Davenport University 2010-11 Strategic Planning, Goal Development and Budget Process December 15, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Davenport University 2010-11 Strategic Planning, Goal Development and Budget Process December 15, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Davenport University 2010-11 Strategic Planning, Goal Development and Budget Process December 15, 2009

2 Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, and Budget Process Time-Line Vision Development Phase - COMPLETED DateProcess Step September 2009Cross functional and diverse Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) formed – 38 members October 16, 2009SPC Initial Meeting October-November, 2009SPC Reaffirm Mission and complete draft Vision – 6 meetings with engaging dialogue November 23-25, 2009Town Hall Meetings to gather faculty and staff input – 450 people attended, 83 watched live video, 100+ viewed recording November 25-December 1, 2009 Faculty and Staff surveyed. Feedback collected and reflected December 9, 2009Board of Trustees reaffirms Mission and reviews and approves Vision

3 Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, and Budget Process Time-Line DateProcess Step December 16, 2009Leadership Team – meets to discuss Budget and Goals Committee December 23, 2009Leadership Team – final Budget and Goals Committee established January 4 – January 19EVP meets with functional units to kick-off goal process and functional units develop goals January 5Appoint Budget and Goals Prioritization Committee January 15Finalize enrollment projections for fiscal year 2011 January 15 – January 18EVP holds meeting with direct reports to discuss and finalize goal priorities January 20Draft goals are due to Leadership Team member

4 Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, and Budget Process Time-Line DateProcess Step January 25Leadership Team meets to discuss draft goals and finalize budget assumptions January 27Leadership Team sends final draft of goals to Budget and Goals Committee January 29 – February 16Goals and Budget Priorities Committee reviews draft goals and finalize February 5 & 12Presentations on goals to Budget and Goals Committee for New Initiatives February 16Goals and Budget Priorities Committee submits draft goals to Dr. Pappas February 19Communication sent to the University outlining goals and budget priorities February 22 – February 25 Town Hall Meetings held at various locations

5 Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, and Budget Process Time-Line DateProcess Step March 2Preliminary budget and budget assumptions approved by Finance Committee March 2Discuss Goals Draft of New Initiatives, Preliminary Budget and Budget Assumptions with Executive Committee March 10Board Meeting – review strategic goals and draft budget priorities March 11Budget Packets including approved budget assumptions and New Initiatives distributed to unit leaders April 9Unit Budget packages due to Finance April 12 – April 23Budgets accumulated for review April 27Leadership Team final meeting to review budget and make final decisions

6 Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, and Budget Process Time-Line DateProcess Step June 22Finance Committee reviews and approves final budget June 28/29Board of Trustees reviews and approves final budget June 10-30, 2010Functional units finalize operating goals and measures based upon Strategic Plan July 1, 2010Start of 2010-11 fiscal year July 8, 2010Communication of final budget August 2010Presentation of Goals and budget at DavenFest October 2010First quarterly goals status report

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