A Proposed IEEE Certification Framework Eileen Fitzgerald, CAE, Director of Certification Mary Ward-Callan, CAE, Managing Director Technical Activities.


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Presentation transcript:

A Proposed IEEE Certification Framework Eileen Fitzgerald, CAE, Director of Certification Mary Ward-Callan, CAE, Managing Director Technical Activities Nov 2008

Cert Programs – Current Situation ProgramFrameworkGovernanceCompliance/ Oversight Technology Space CSDPETS/SocietySocietyComputer SocietySoftware Dev CSDAPrometric/SocietySocietyComputer SocietySoftware Dev WCETPES/ComSocSocietyComSocWireless BiometricsIEEE Framework and Holmes model Biometric Council/EAB Cert CenterBiometrics Chip DesignMarket Assessment is Under ReviewElect. Design Automation SystemsEarly Discussion StageSystems PowerEarly Consideration StagePower & Energy ReliabilityInvestigating Possible PartnershipReliability Others in the preliminary investigatory stages

Current Makeup of Certification Programs Certification Program Business Framework (eventually a LoO* Methodology should emerge) Technical Space + = Cert Program EXAMPLES ComSoc/PES + Wireless = WCET Management Computer Soc + Software = CSDA Management Devel Cert Center/ + Biometrics = Biometrics Holmes Model *Line of Operation

General Activity Areas in a LoO Framework Governance: – Who makes the rules (overall and specific)? –Who defines the LoO and general program framework? Compliance and Oversight –Who follows the rules? –How are they reported? –What happens if rules are not followed? Individual Program/Product Management –Who manages the P&L for the program? –Who defines grouped products? –Over what space is profitability be determined? Certification Common Services –What services are offered to the cert programs as part of the IEEE infrastructure?

Multiple Development and Business Models in Use Today Models in use –Holmes (which is the basis for the IEEE proposed framework) –ETS –Prometric –PES Key Differences –Market assessment/business plans –Creation of BOK and exam specs –Operational support structures –Exam preparation materials –Sales/marketing –Perspectives on organization structures needed for accreditation

Proposed Certification Program Framework Market Assessment Body of Knowledge Certification Exam Courseware Certification Renewal Books Support Materials Support Services for Certification Operation BMS ORACLE Cert Bus DB … IEEE Infrastructure

Business Framework - Relationship Model Certification Exam Exam Development Vendor Exam Delivery Vendor Educ and Training Certification Unit Technical Unit Subject Matter Experts, Steering Committee Exam development support Payment processing Exam maintenance supportApplication/registration processing Exam DeliveryMarket Assessment Tools Learning system devel supportCustomer support Database, BMS interfaceVendor/Contract management Record managementVolunteer liaison SchedulingReporting, statistics CommunicationsCandidate materials Customers Certification Renewal

Recommended New Program Development Process Perform Market Assessment Develop Body of Knowledge Corp/Industry Buy-in, Involvement Perform Focused Market Research Develop Bus/Mtkg Plan Develop Testing System Stop Develop Learning System Cert Renewal Program Operate Program, Support Customers Stop Program Updates, Maintenance Ongoing

Development Process and Considerations Decisions are market driven and there must be market pull Several opportunities for go/no-go decisions –Following initial market assessment –Following focused market research –Following business/marketing/financial plan development Long- term commitment to customers Audience may differ from traditional IEEE members and customers

Market Segmentation Matrix – Biometrics Example Market Size creation and extension of biometric theory, algorithms, technology and standards design, development and implementation of biometric-based / enabled systems buyers, managers and operators Required training, technical knowledge & skill-level Equipment-specific Training Company-level Training: Systems and General Biometrics University-level Training: Ph.D. and Masters Programs Industry R&D Programs Professional Training: Biometrics Technology, Systems and Applications Biometrics

Each Certification Program Has a Product Portfolio to offer… Certification Examination Reference Material –Body of knowledge/Exam outline –Primary, secondary references (books and other sources) –Exam content guide or manual Certification renewal –Related IEEE continuing education products (existing and new) –External educational products approval program to certify other programs for application (optional)

Exam review/preparation material –Learning Systems –Instructor-led courses –Individual review and preparation products Self-directed review courseware Instructor review courseware Review classes (classroom-based and/or on-line) Sample & diagnostic tests Vocabulary, glossary Other –Approved external products and program (optional) Product Portfolio (cont.)

Game Plan for defining IEEE perspective on Certification Define a preliminary approach for IEEE perspective on certification, e.g. framework, process flows, product components (Done-see slides) Assess business framework using Biometrics (In progress, Eileen is lead – 2009 schedule) All new certification programs will utilize this new framework (Eileen will support as time permits) Assess size of IEEE Certification Business to determine if it warrants a Line of Operation management approach (End of 2009) If it does warrant a LoO approach, –Define details of a Service Center (preliminary info provided in talk) –Determine investment needed for the service center –Establish a service center approach consistent with other LoOs –Determine which group should provide governance oversight of the LoO –Identify which groups are likely to offer certification programs If not, existing programs will be maintained and we will assess the need for support services and their placement in the staff organization Communicate, Communicate, Communicate….