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Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-1 by James M. Dutcher Strategic IT Planning & Governance Creation H I G H.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-1 by James M. Dutcher Strategic IT Planning & Governance Creation H I G H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-1 by James M. Dutcher Strategic IT Planning & Governance Creation H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

2 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-2 The Challenge IT planning can be difficult in todays rapidly changing environment;however, it is the key to successfully meeting new organization objectives and achieving success for the overall (higher education) organization. H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

3 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-3 The Symptoms Is IT often the last group consulted about a technology decision? Or told what to do after the fact? Are you being told to create business cases but are unsure where to start? Does your department tend to think and act for today versus looking to the future? Do you know what your department will look like or where it will fit in the corporation in the next few years? Do you want a seat at the decision making table? H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

4 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-4 What? This presentation will provide you with an understanding of the IT Strategic Planning & Governance creation processes, disciplines and tools so you can answer the following key questions: What is IT strategy all about? What does it mean to me and my organization? What should I do? How should I do it? When should I do it? How does it fit with the overall college/university strategy? H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

5 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-5 Why the need for Strategic Planning? The Change (A) Where are you today? (B) Where do you want to be? (C) How do you plan to get to where you want to be? (E) How will you know when you get to where you want to be? (D) What will help & hinder you getting to where you want to be? (A) Situation (D) Drivers & Restraints (E) Key Goal Indicators (E) Key Goal Indicators (B) Vision (C) Strategy H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

6 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-6 Organization Strategy Organizational Unit Strategy/Tactics IT Strategy IT Tactical Plans IT Operational Plans IT Application Architecture IT Technical Infrastructure IT Staffing IT Funding Organizational Strategy is the Driver for IT Strategy (and also all IT activities) H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

7 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-7 Key Deliverables As a result of this presentation, you will have a framework to gain senior management consensus and commitment on IT priorities as well as a better roadmap for future planning. The key activities to note are: IT Strategy Education IT Vision Statement An as is list A to be list Prioritized list of opportunities Set of recommendations on next steps Presentation of findings and recommendations Strategic IT Planning Methodology development H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

8 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-8 Strategic IT Planning & Governance Creation Stages Stage 1: Plan the Plan Stage 2: Document Your Business Strategy Stage 3: Assess the Current IT Situation Stage 4: Propose a New IT Situation Stage 5: Perform a Gap Analysis Stage 6: Propose a Strategic Vision and Governance Model Stage 7: Build a Strategic Decision Making Framework Stage 8: Publish, Promote, and Maintain Your Strategy H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

9 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-9 Stage 1: Plan the Plan 1.1 - Set Strategic Planning Goals - Deliverable: 1.1.1 Scope Statement Worksheet - Deliverable: 1.1.2 Project Goal Statement - Deliverable: 1.1.3 Planning Constraints 1.2 - Establish a Planning Group - Deliverable: 1.2.1 Identify Stakeholders Document - Deliverable: 1.2.2 Stakeholder Analysis Tool - Deliverable: 1.2.3 Letter(s) to Key Stakeholders 1.3 - Hold a Kick-Off Meeting - Deliverable: 1.3.1 Kickoff Meeting Agenda - Deliverable: 1.3.2 Kickoff Meeting Action Items List (Responsible Party, Resolution, Due Date) 1.4 - Create a Preliminary Report - Deliverable: 1.4.1 Convergence of Technology and Core Organizational Strategy - Deliverable: 1.4.2 Timeline/Schedule - Deliverable: 1.4.3 Project Definition Statement H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

10 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-10 Stage 2: Document Organization Strategy 2.1 - Describe the Company and Its Background - Deliverable: 2.1.1 Company Background and Description 2.2 - Conduct and Higher Education Industry Analysis - Deliverable: 2.2.1 Higher Education Industry Definition - Deliverable: 2.2.2 Priorities of the Higher Education Industry - Deliverable: 2.2.3 PEST Analysis- Political, Economic, Social, Technological factors 2.3 - Document Vision, Mission, and Core Values - Deliverable: 2.3.1 Core Values Defined - Deliverable: 2.3.2 College/University Mission and Vision statements 2.4 - Define Core Business and Its Boundaries - Deliverable: 2.4.1 Core Business and Its Boundaries Definition - Deliverable: 2.4.2 IT Business Unit Core and Goals Definition 2.5 - Create a Financial Picture - Deliverable: 2.5.1 College/University Financial Statement - Deliverable: 2.5.2 College/University IT Business Unit Financial Statement 2.6 - List Strategic Objectives - Deliverable: 2.6.1 College/University Strategies & Goals Defined - Deliverable: 2.6.2 College/University IT Business Unit Strategies & Goals Defined - Deliverable: 2.6.3 Key Success Factor Analysis H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

11 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-11 Stage 3: Assess the Current IT Situation 3.1 - Document Your IT Organizational Structure - Deliverable: 3.1.1 Organizational Structure Diagram - Deliverable: 3.1.2 IT Organization SWOT - Deliverable: 3.1.3 Skills Mapping (As Is) 3.2 - Document Your Hardware and Software Infrastructure - Deliverable: 3.2.1 Network Diagram - Deliverable: 3.2.2 Vendor Contact Information - Deliverable: 3.2.3 Software Inventory - Deliverable: 3.2.4 Hardware Inventory 3.3 - Audit Current IT Budget, Programs, and Projects - Deliverable: 3.3.1 Current Budget Analysis - Deliverable: 3.3.2 Current IT Projects Defined (Business Case, Current Financial Snapshot) - Deliverable: 3.3.3 Current IT Projects Scope Statement Defined - Deliverable: 3.3.4 OIT Department Budget Analysis - Deliverable: 3.3.5 Higher Education IT (industry) Trends Analysis - Deliverable: 3.3.6 Customer Profiles & Assessments H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

12 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-12 Stage 4: Propose a New IT Situation 4.1 - Focus Discussions - Deliverable: 4.1.1 Future Scenarios - Deliverable: 4.1.2 Future IT Options Questionnaire & Analysis - Deliverable: 4.1.3 Focus Questions & Responses Analysis - Deliverable: 4.1.4 IT Governance Maturity Model Proposal - Deliverable: 4.1.5 (New) IT Organizational Alignment Definition 4.2 - Analyze IT Strengths and Weaknesses - Deliverable: 4.2.1 SWOT Analysis (IT Governance & New IT Organization) 4.3 - Brainstorm Technology Opportunities - Deliverable: 4.3.1 Brainstorming Sessions & Analysis 4.4 - Document Your Results - Deliverable: 4.4.1 Summary of Strategic Objectives - Deliverable: 4.4.2 Summary of Strategic Directions H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

13 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-13 Stage 5: Perform a Gap Analysis 5.1 - Analyze Alignment Gaps - Deliverable: 5.1.1 IT Alignment Assessment - Deliverable: 5.1.2 OIT Skills Assessment (To-Be) Strategy Review 5.2 - Analyze Infrastructure Gaps - Deliverable: 5.2.1 IT Infrastructure GAP Analysis 5.3 - Summarize and Resolve Gaps - Deliverable: 5.3.1 Recommendations to Resolve Strategic Gaps H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

14 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-14 Stage 6: Propose a Strategic Vision & Governance Model Stage 6: Propose a Strategic Vision and Governance Model 6.1 - Hold a Vision Meeting with Stakeholders - Deliverable: 6.1.1 IT Vision Presentation (Meeting w/ Agenda) 6.2 - Establish a Strategic IT Vision - Deliverable: 6.2.1 IT Strategic Goals/Objectives Definition - Deliverable: 6.2.2 IT Core Values Statement - Deliverable: 6.2.3 IT Vision/Mission Statement 6.3 - Propose a Governance Structure - Deliverable: 6.3.1 IT Steering Committee Charter - Deliverable: 6.3.2 IT Steering Committee Member List H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

15 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-15 Stage 7: Build a Strategic Decision Making Framework 7.1 - Set Strategic Goals and Measures - Deliverable: 7.1.1 IT Strategic Goals List Document - Deliverable: 7.1.2 IT Tactical Plans - Deliverable: 7.1.3 Balancing IT Measures 7.2 - Perform a Budget Analysis - Deliverable: 7.2.1 IT Budget Analysis 7.3 - Identify Your Options - Deliverable: 7.3.1 Options Analysis (with Budget Summary & Recommendations) 7.4 - Prioritize Your Projects - Deliverable: 7.4.1 IT Business Case Template - Deliverable: 7.4.2 Comprehensive IT Project List (with Business Case Template Applied) - Deliverable: 7.4.3 IT Project Ranking Framework - Deliverable: 7.4.4 Prioritized Project List H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

16 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-16 Stage 8: Publish, Promote, and Maintain Your Strategy 8.1 - Build Your Strategic Plan Documentation - Deliverable: 8.1.1 Strategic IT Planning Notes & Template 8.2 - Present Your Plan to Senior Management - Deliverable: 8.2.1 Strategic IT Planning Presentation Notes & Template 8.3 - Communicate and Manage Change - Deliverable: 8.3.1 Communications List - Deliverable: 8.3.2 Change Control Procedures Document & Communications - Deliverable: 8.3.3 Communications Plan Template H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

17 Copyright 1997-2001 The Info-Tech Research Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. D1-17 Summary This presentation is used to help colleges and universities bridge the gap between IT and the business. You now have a definitive understanding of what the IT Strategy and Governance creation process is. H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N I T M A N A G E M E N T B E S T P R A C T I C E S S E R I E S

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