Cross country Activities and Skills. Pair Chase Game Pair Chase: Set Up: Coach ask participants to find a pair and they have to number heir self’s 1 or.


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Presentation transcript:

Cross country Activities and Skills

Pair Chase Game Pair Chase: Set Up: Coach ask participants to find a pair and they have to number heir self’s 1 or 2. The game will start with number 1 running away from number 2 (start of a meter apart) Once the coach shout stop, if player 2 can reach and touch player 1 they win. Once completed swap over so player 2 runs away from player 1.

Techniques. Hand and Arm movement Technique. Foot Strikes and point of impact with ground. Body Shape/ Gesture.

Cardiovascular Endurance. Cardiovascular Endurance exercise: Set up: Divide the group into smaller groups of four, tell one person to set the pace which the others have to keep too. Once first group round the first corner of the track the next group goes. (Repeat track three – Or to the best of their ability).

Steel the Bacon Steel The Bacon Set Up: The object of Steal the Bacon is take the "bacon" back to your own side without being caught. In this game, two teams are chosen, and one umpire is selected. One object is required to the bacon. (a glove is a common choice) The members of each team are numbered. They form two opposing lines and place the bacon in the exact centre between them. The umpire then calls out a number. The players on each side who are assigned that number are the players for that round. No other team members leave their side of the field. The game is over when a predetermined number of points are scored, or when all numbers have been called.

Capture The Flag Capture the Flag: Set Up: Divide the group into two separate teams. One team must protect there flag and gather the opponents flag and bring it back to there half. (vies verse) Players get tagged with the flag they drop the flag and go back to their own half. Only 5 players can attack at once. To win bring the flag successfully over to your half. Or capture all the opponents teammates. Variations: Add a jail is players get tagged they go to jail. A prison breaker who free the people from the jail by going into the opposite teams half and touching a prisoner. Time limit to get the flag then swap mother to the next team. (All can attack) (opposite team defends) One Team has more flags then the other 2 to 1 making it harder for them.

Bean Bag Capture 5PTS 3PTS 1PTS Bean Bags Bean Bag Capture Set up: Coach/Teacher divides the group into two teams. One team is the attackers the others are defenders. Attacking tem must ONLY carry two bean bags at once and try to drop them into a hoop to score a point. If tagged the attacker must go back to the safety zone and go again. Defending team must try and protect there hoops. They MUST NOT stand on the hoops or near or around the hoops. They must tag and attacker to stop them scoring points. After the time limit how many points they got then swap over. To see if the other team can beat that score, and then to find out the winner.

Team cross Team cross: Set Up: coach nominates a pair or more to be on the players who are on must hold a bib between them and try to catch the other players before they reach the other end. How to Play: on go the players who are not it must successfully run from one side to the other without being tagged. The players who get caught must make a new pair or a three and four with the catchers who cannot break their links. The winner is the last person left.

Pirates and Sharks Set up: Coach divides the group into two teams on teams pirates and the other sharks. The pirates must try and travel island to island (hoops) if they get to a hoop the sharks cannot get them. If they get caught by a shark in the ocean they will then become a shark. The last pirate left wins. Sharks CANNOT enter the hoops or tag a player in the hoops they can only get the pirates when they are in the ocean to get the pirates the sharks have to tag them.

Bean Bag gather Bean Bag Gather : Set up: The coach makes an area and spreads a allowed of cones around he places bean bags under some cones. He/she will then split the group into four teams. How to Play: One go the teams first player will leave his line and try and find ONE bean bag if he does he will then run back to his line and place the bean bag into his teams hoop the next player will then go. The winning team, is once all the bean bags have been gathered they teams count up the bean bags in their teams hoop and who ever has the most bean bags wins.

Object finder Object Finder: Set up: The coach makes an area and spreads a allowed of cones, bean bags, bibs, balls and other objects around the area and tells the group to stand in the circle. How to Play: when the coach shouts out and object the group must run and find that object and then have 10 seconds to run back to the starting place. Before the coach shouts out the next objects. Progression: The coach can call out a set coloured object. They have 10 seconds to find the object and get back to the start. People That don’t make the time limit can move objects around whilst the others are still playing. Players that are out can tag players whoa re still playing to get them out.

Cross the River Skill Activity: Cross the River Set Up: coach splits groups into too pairs or more and give each pair two hoops. How to Play: The player must travel one side of the field to the other by traveling with only two hoops they must not leave the hoops else they have to start again. Winner is first team there and back.