Mathematical Practices
Goals today: ◦ Become familiar with the Mathematical Practices and what they mean and look like in instruction ◦ Addition Strategies: Introduction and Practice ◦ Number Talks: Demonstration, Video, Planning
Clear and specific standards designed to replace curriculums that are “a mile wide and an inch deep” Based on research about how students learn mathematics Focus on students understanding the math they do
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Read the mathematical practice assigned. Make notes about what the words mean to you and what it looks like in the classrooms for your grade span. Be ready to share in 5 minutes.
Using your collective information, create a poster to illustrate the practice and what it looks like at your grade levels. Leave room for others to add ideas. Label the poster with the Mathematical Practice and the Grade Span. Post your charts so they are spaced around the room.
Expert groups: ◦ Count off within your group A, B, C, etc. ◦ As, Bs, Cs, etc. will walk around together and view each poster. ◦ The ‘expert’ who helped to make the poster shares the Mathematical Practice with the group. ◦ Add any relevant information to each poster that your group discusses.
“ Standards for Mathematical Content are a balanced combination of procedure and understanding.” Common Core State Standards, p. 2
“ In short, a lack of understanding effectively prevents a student from engaging in mathematical practices.” Common Core State Standards, p. 2
3 + = /2 + 2/3 = -136
Addition Strategies: ◦ Branching ◦ Decomposing ◦ Partial Sums ◦ Bridging
Branching Strategy: = ☐ = ☐ = ☐
Decomposing Strategy: = ☐ = ☐ = ☐
Partial Sums Strategy: = ☐ = ☐
Bridging Strategy: = ☐ = ☐ = ☐
Task: Using the construction paper, make a poster for each strategy that clearly demonstrates use of the strategy. Utilize strategy hand-out. Hang posters back in your classroom for student reference once the strategy is introduced.
What is a number talk? = ?
Number Talks Number Talks
Number Talks: Classroom Environment and Community Classroom Discussions The Teacher’s Role The Role of Mental Math Purposeful Computation Problems
“We can’t teach what we don’t know, and we can’t teach well what we don’t understand.” ~ Marilyn Burns
Reflect on Today’s Goals: ◦ Become familiar with the Mathematical Practices and what they mean and look like in instruction ◦ Addition Strategies: Introduction and Practice ◦ Number Talks: Demonstration, Video, Planning