FOOD PYRAMID Miss Marichel Robinson Science Teacher Second grade.


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Presentation transcript:

FOOD PYRAMID Miss Marichel Robinson Science Teacher Second grade

Food Pyramid

The five food groups are: 1.Grains 2.Vegetables 3.Fruits 4.Dairy 5.Protein

FATS Eat small amounts of your favorite foods from this category………. Cakes Condiments Soft drinks Chips Cookies

MILK, YOGURT AND CHEESE GROUP Eat 2-3 servings….. Milk Cheese Yogurt Ice Cream

Strengthen bones which are growing stronger and longer Stops bleeding if you get cut or bruised Muscles contract and relax

MEAT GROUP Eat 2-3 servings……. Dried beans and peas Beef Pork Chicken and turkey Fish nuts

Foods in the Vegetable Group gives us: Vitamin A Vitamin C Fiber

Eat 3-5 servings….. Broccoli Corn Lettuce Tomato Mushrooms

The vitamins provided by eating vegetables…… Vitamin A – Helps us to see in the dark and keeps our skin healthy. Vitamin C – Helps prevent diseases

FRUIT GROUP Eat 2-4 servings Raspberries Apples Kiwi Strawberries

Fruit Group foods provide:

GRAIN GROUP Eat 6-11 servings Bread Cereal Pasta – spaghetti and/or macaroni noodles Pancakes

Grain Group Foods Give Us Carbohydrates for the Energy We Need to Play, Learn, Sleep and Keep Our Bodies Running 24 Hours a Day!

Ways to Increase Your Physical Activity Recess Playing sports Exercising