DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 1 DEFINITIONS. DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 2 Science Is a way or a process used to investigate what is happening around.


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Presentation transcript:


DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 2 Science Is a way or a process used to investigate what is happening around you. It can give us: possible answers to questions solutions to problems

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 3 Scientific Theory is an explanation that is supported by facts. Scientists use the word theory to describe ideas that have been well tested and have data that provides evidence for the idea. Scientists also form laws, which are rules that describe a pattern in nature, like gravity.

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 4 Background Research / Information Scientists research to find out what is already known about a topic This helps in making a prediction or forming a hypothesis

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 5 Bias When personal opinions or points of view interfere with an investigation

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 6 Bar Graph Graph used for showing comparisons

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 7 Communication Sharing the results of an investigation through presentations and journal articles

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 8 Conclusion The final summary of an investigation. It includes a restatement of the question and hypothesis, discusses the data, what the data means, problems with the research, ways to carry the research further, why the research is important

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 9 Controlled Variables Variables that could change, but are not allowed to; also called constants

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 10 Data The observations and results of an experiment. In an experimental investigation, the dependent variable is the data. Numerical data is recorded in data tables, other types of data are recorded in data charts

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 11 Data Table A place recording quantitative data in rows and columns Fertilizer Average Height (cm) Super Grow 34 Fast Grow 22 Slow Grow 16 No Grow 3 Give your chart a TITLE Make room for recording your DATA Label the type of observation HOW HIGH CAN THEY GROW?

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 12 Dependent Variable In an experimental investigation, what is observed and measured : the data

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 13 Experimental Design The plan for deciding how to answer a scientific question The materials and procedures used to conduct an experiment

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 14 Experimental Research Investigations that involve variables

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 15 Control Something used to compare results with. The independent variable is not used or applied to it. Example. Plant without fertilizer

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 16 Independent Variable The variable that is changed, tested or manipulated by the scientist.

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 17 Line Graph Used for showing changes or trends Student Membership (in millions)

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 18 Materials The supplies used to conduct an investigation

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 19 Pattern Data that repeats itself in a similar way

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 20 Prediction / Hypothesis Educated guesses about how an investigation will turn out. A hypothesis is a special kind of prediction - it is a prediction about the relationship between variables

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 21 Procedure The step-by-step instructions for conducting an investigation. Includes what and how variables will be changed and measured; includes repeated trials

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 22 Qualitative Data that describes qualities or characteristics Examples Color Sound Taste

DO NOT COPY ANYTHING IN YELLOW 23 Quantitative Data that is numerical; usually gathered using tools Examples Mass Distance Volume Time Temperature