Plot Structure Through Short Stories


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Presentation transcript:

Plot Structure Through Short Stories Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows the arrangement of events and actions within a story. Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. A plot diagram is an organizational tool, which is used to map the significant events in a story. By placing the most significant events from a story on the plot diagram, you can visualize the key features of the story.

Types of Typical Linear Plots Plots can be told in Chronological order Flashback In media res (in the middle of things) when the story starts in the middle of the action without exposition Some plot structures are unusual such as the circular story line.

Plot Components Climax: the turning point, the most intense moment—either mentally or in action Rising Action: the series of conflicts and crisis in the story that lead to the climax Falling Action: all of the action which follows the climax Exposition: The mood and conditions existing at the beginning of the story. The setting is identified. The main characters with their positions, circumstances and relationships to one another are established. The exciting force or initial conflict is introduced. Sometimes called the “Narrative HOOK” this begins the conflict that continues throughout the story. Rising Action: The series of events, conflicts, and crises in the story that lead up to the climax, providing the progressive intensity, and complicate the conflict. Climax: The turning point of the story. A crucial event takes place and from this point forward, the protagonist moves toward his inevitable end. The event may be either an action or a mental decision that the protagonist makes. Falling Action: The events occurring from the time of the climax to the end of the story. The main character may encounter more conflicts in this part of the story, but the end is inevitable. Resolution/Denouement: The tying up of loose ends and all of the threads in the story. The conclusion. The hero character either emerges triumphant or is defeated at this point. Exposition: the start of the story, the situation before the action starts Resolution: the conclusion, the tying together of all of the threads

Setting Setting is the time and place of the story. Setting can add to the overall mood of the story, creating a certain emotion or atmosphere.

Conflict Conflict is the dramatic struggle between two forces in a story. Without conflict, there is no plot.

Types of Conflict Interpersonal Conflict Human (man) vs Human Human (man) vs Nature Human (man) vs Society Human (man) vs Self Internal Conflict

Character Analysis Protagonist – The main character. Antagonist – The main character’s opponent. Flat character – limited personality traits. Round character – many personality traits; a complex character that takes a while to understand. Static character – remains the same throughout the story, showing little changes. Dynamic character – changes throughout the story. This character can surprise the reader.

Point of View First Person – Story is told from the main character’s perspective. Third Person Limited – Narrator is telling a story and is removed from the action. Third Person Omniscient – The all knowing narrator that knows the inner thoughts of all characters.

California State Standards Reading 3.3 – analyze interactions between main and subordinate characters (internal & external conflicts). Reading 3.4 – determine character traits through narration, dialogue, and monologue. Reading 3.6 – analyze and trace an author’s development of time using foreshadowing and flashbacks. Reading 3.7 – identify the significance of literary devices including symbolism and figurative language. Writing 2.2a – demonstrate a complete understanding of the significant points in a literary works. Writing 2.2b – support important ideas and viewpoints through accurate and detailed references to the text.