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Essential Question What are the eight elements of fiction?

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2 Essential Question What are the eight elements of fiction?

3 They are… 1. Setting5. Plot 2. Characters6. Mood 3. Point of View7. Theme 4. Conflict8. Irony

4 setting The setting can be the time and/or place in which the story takes place. The setting is always introduced early in the story but can change at any time.

5 setting Authors don’t always tell the setting directly. You can identify the setting by collecting clues from the author. Some clues might include: Clothing the characters are wearing Vehicles the characters are driving

6 characters protagonist The hero or villain the story is mainly about antagonist The character or force that is in conflict with the protagonist Characters are the people the story is about. The main characters are usually introduced early in the story, but minor characters can come along throughout.

7 How do we get to know the characters in a story? Authors help us get to know characters in a story the same way we get to know real people in real life! 1.Listen to what the character says. 2.Watch what the character does. 3.Listen to what other characters say about the main character.

8 point of view –This refers to the teller of the story first person – “I” is the narrator and a character in the story. third person – “he” or “she” is used because the narrator is not a character in the story.

9 two types omniscient – tells the reader what any character thinks or feels limited – the narrator sees the events from only one character’s eyes

10 conflict The conflict is the major problem the main character must face. There can be several problems in a story, but most stories have a main conflict the story is centered around. The conflict is introduced early in the story.

11 two types of conflict external – The character struggles against an outside force. internal – The struggle exists within the mind of the character.

12 plot The arrangement of the events in a story or play is the plot. The parts of the plot: Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

13 plot components Climax: the turning point, the most intense moment—either mentally or in action rising action: the series of conflicts and crisis in the story that lead to the climax inciting incident: the event that starts the conflict falling action: all of the action which follows the climax exposition: the start of the story, the situation before the action starts resolution: the conclusion, the tying together of all of the threads

14 mood What feeling is the author trying to convey to the reader?

15 theme What lesson is the author trying to convey to the reader?

16 irony This is the difference between what we expect to happen and what actually does. Finish!

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