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Presentation transcript:


Bell Ringer Explain the difference between a de-emphasizing line and emphasizing line. What emotions do Horizontal and Vertical lines evoke.

ELEMENTS OF ART ELEMENTS OF ART- ARE THE BASIC COMPONEENTS OR BUILDING BLOCKS; COLOR, VALUE, LINE, TEXTURE, SHAPE, FORM AND SPACE These elements are not the media the artist uses- but the visual vocabulary used by the artist.

Elements of Arts LINE Types of Lines Line refers to it as a continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point Can be 2 dimensional like those on a sheet of writing paper 3 dimensional like the branches of a tree Emphasizing Line- Contour line is a line used to show the edges or contours of an object

TYPES OF LINES CONTOUR LINES Marie Laurencin Women in the Hat Emphasizing Line- Contour line is a line used to show the edges or contours of an object Used to identify drawings and paintings They separate the object from the background and from other objects in the same work Look how the contour lines define each area of the painting.

TYPES OF LINES DE-EMPHASIZING LINE Line and Movement ELIMINATING OR CONCEALING THE OUTLINE OF OBJECTS IN PICTURES (Painterly) Art can suggest movement like horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or curved. Certain emotions are associated with these movements Vertical-suggests strength and stability Horizontal suggests calmness Diagonal suggests tension Curved suggests flowing movement An axis line is an imaginary line that is traced through an object or several objects in a picture Monet was interested in recording the fleeting effect of light

Texture Texture Is the element of art that refers to the way things feel or look as if they might feel if touched. Examples “smooth” of “rough” surface There are many painting in which the surface is smooth to the touch but the sensation of different textures is suggested by the way the artist painted some areas – simulated texture

SHAPE AND FORM Ex: a circular shape can be made to look 3 dimensional by gradually changing its value from light to dark Way to create the illusion of space overlapping, shading, placement, size, value and focus, linear perspective Shape refers to a two dimensional area clearly set off by one or more of the other visual elements, such as color, value, line, texture, and space- like a circle or square A form is an object with three dimensions When a artist paints an area of a picture with a particular color, a shape is created An artist can also create shape by setting off an area that is texturally different from its surroundings

Form Mass Refers to the outside size and bulk of a form Mass is described in solid geometry Ex: pyramid, cylinder, cone, cube, sphere Mass can also be described as irregular Ex: Eggs, bottles, people Volume refers to the space within a form Volume is discussed when talking about interior space Form, the volume or mass of objects, is the most important art element for sculptors

SPACE Space is the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things Space can be 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional 3 dimensional space, or actual space, has height width and depth Found in art forms such as sculpture, ceramics and architecture Ex: The Cloud sculpture to the left allows you to move around freely in it{s} space to see the different positions and shapes in each different angle you move to Artists use perspective to show depth or space in a painting. If two objects overlap on a flat surface, one is clearly behind and the other is in front A sense of depth is created Aerial Perspective is used to show depth Ex: Robert Scott Duncanson ”Loch Long” * Linear perspective uses parrallel lines that run toward a invisible vanishing points Jose de Creeft “The Cloud”

Linear and aerial perspective Space – The cloud

Color Intensity is the brightness or saturation of a color Hue is the name of the color Ex: yellow is a hue Value is the dark or light quality of a color Pink is a light value of red Primary hues are red, yellow and blue

Colors Continued……… Warm colors Cool Colors Complementary Colors Warm colors Secondary colors Cool Colors Colors that are direct opposite of each other EX: yellow and Purple Are produced by mixing to primary colors EX: red and yellow make orange Are hues containing read and orange Hues containing green and blue

Refers to the light or dark quality of a color or shape in a painting Most important element in drawings, woodcuts, lithographs, and photographs Gradual value changes can indicate concave or convex surfaces Black is the darkest value When a basic color is mixed with black the value is darkened Painting that has mostly dark values are low keyed White is the lightest value When a basic color is mixed with white the value is lightened Paintings that have mostly light values are high keyed Value Valuhe light or dark

Ticket Out the Door 1. List the 3 Primary Hues 2. What is the difference between mass and volume?