we help employers deliver quality social care Employment & Skills Partnership Board Meeting 15 June 2012
Our strategic role is: to ensure that the adult social care workforce has the attitudes, values, skills and qualifications necessary to have the right people in the right place to deliver high quality social care. About Skills for Care
we influence strategic planning
Headline Figures adult social care jobs (England) in 2010 estimated at 1.77 million projected to grow to by between 24% and 83% million and 3.1 million jobs by 2025 (based on Skills for Care estimate 2010)
Contribution of residential care & social work to GVA (at current basic prices), 2009 UK - £28,660 million South West - £2,396 million South West Impact Life expectancy at birth in the South West (2008 to 2010) was among the highest of the UK at 83.5 years for females and 79.5 years for males !
Number of vacancies for 'Care Assistants and Home Carers' notified to employment service job centres in South West Source: ONS National On-Line Manpower Information System (NOMIS) website 447 4,471 1,494
We help the skilled be more skillful Teresa Morrison Area Manager South West