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London Learning Disability Workforce Network

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1 London Learning Disability Workforce Network

2 What is HEE? In 2013 we took over functions of Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) and their Deaneries for workforce planning, education commissioning and education provision We operate a single system of dispersed leadership, working through 13 local teams HEE Mandate with deliverables - Delivering high quality, effective, compassionate care: Developing the right people with the right skills and the right values. A mandate from the Government to Health Education England: April 2016 to March 2017

3 The Mandate Annex A 1.10: “lead the health and care system to transform the workforce and ensure it is available in sufficient numbers and possesses the right skills, values and behaviours to deliver care in the community and support for people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health problems and multiple and complex needs. As part of this, HEE will work with Skills for Health and Skills for Care to develop a Learning Disability Core Education, Training and Skills Framework, which will set out expected learning outcomes and minimum standards for delivery of education and training on core skills and knowledge which can be used across different services. The Framework will be published in July 2016”

4 This list is not exclusive and just includes a few of the many themes
Cont. The are many more Mandate Objectives related to this workforce covering areas such as: Leadership Pre-registration placements Preventing avoidable ill health and premature mortality Nurse associate roles including primary, secondary and social care Developing plans to promote parity of esteem between the health and social care workforce This list is not exclusive and just includes a few of the many themes

5 Workforce data London The headlines

6 The source National minimum data set for social care (NMDS-SC)
Skills for care online database which holds data on the adult social care workforce. holds information on around 25,000 establishments and 700,000 workers across England. Electronic staff records (ESR) It is an integrated HR and payroll system to NHS organisations. It is used by 99 per cent of NHS trusts and holds the data for about 1.4 million staff (about six per cent of the UK's working population).

7 Caveat National minimum data set for social care (NMDS-SC)
Not every employer submits there adult social care workforce data. The following summary is based of national workforce estimates Electronic staff records (ESR) The way staff are recorded on ESR will affect the data that can be reviewed

8 The findings…….

9 The workforce Total 71026 NHS 526 LA 8500 I 62000

10 The workforce by age % Total 71026 NHS 526 LA 8500 I 62000

11 The workforce by profession & employer
AHP Nursing Non-reg Other NHS Employed 13% 10% >0% 1% LA 11% 12% Independent 77% 79% 88% 87% Total 681 1765 54361 11368 Total 71026 NHS 526 LA 8500 I 62000

12 What next….. Sharing the data…… Transforming Care Partnerships Others
Questions about the data How will we answer them

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