Practicing Science Grade K Topic II: Five Senses and Related Body Parts Using the Five Senses Quarter 1 Division of Academics - Department of Science
Grade K: Five Senses and Related Body Parts/Practice of Science Benchmarks SC.K.L.14.1: Recognize the five senses and related body parts. SC.K.N.1.1: Collaborate with a partner to collect information. SC.K.N.1.2: Make observations of the natural world and know that they are descriptors collected using the five senses. SC.K.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate - such as pictorial - of investigations conducted. SC.K.N.1.4: Observe and create a visual representation of an object which includes major features. SC.K.N.1.5: Recognize that learning can come from careful observation. Division of Academics - Department of Science
five senses five senses What are the five senses and how do they help us?five senses Division of Academics - Department of Science
Five Senses and Related Body Parts Watch as Sid tells us what he learned about the five senses. Division of Academics - Department of Science
The Five Senses Game Division of Academics - Department of Science
Let’s Use our Eyes We use our eyes to see the world around us. What are some things we can see in our classroom? What are some things we can see outside of our classroom? Let’s fold a piece of paper in half and draw some pictures to show what we see in our classroom and what we see outside of our classroom. How do our eyes help us in science? Division of Academics - Department of Science
Let’s Use our Ears We use our ears to hear the world around us. Let’s close our eyes and listen to the sounds we hear. Open your eyes. What are some sounds that you heard? How do our ears help us in science? I heard _____________ and ________________. Division of Academics - Department of Science
Let’s Learn About Touch In order to learn more about the way things feel, we will be working on an activity where we can only touch different objects. Have several different small numbered paper bags with objects inside (e.g. feathers, marbles, dry cereal, gummy bears, blocks, tennis ball, etc.). Students will feel what is inside the bag without looking and then draw what they think it is on a log sheet, next to the number for each bag. Division of Academics - Department of Science 1 2
Let’s Learn About Smell In order to learn how we use our sense of smell, we need to use our nose to help discover different scents. Dip cotton balls into different liquids (e.g. peppermint, maple syrup, orange juice, lemon juice, rose water, etc.) and store them in a plastic baggie inside of a paper bag that is numbered. Students will travel to each station and smell, but not look or touch, what is inside. They will then draw what they think each scent is on their log. Division of Academics - Department of Science
Let’s Learn About Taste When we taste things, we use our tongue. Our tongue has different parts that can taste different things. We can taste things that are sweet, salty, sour, or bitter. Here we have four different types of food, one for each type of taste (make sure that you have checked for allergies). After you taste the food with your tongue, draw the food under the correct section (sweet, salty, sour, or bitter). Division of Academics - Department of Science SweetSaltySourBitter
Let’s Make a Five Senses Book to Compare Senses Read “My Five Senses” by Aliki Students will make a “My Five Senses” book or chart. For each sense, you may want to have students show 5 examples (drawings, magazine pictures, labeled drawings, etc.) Division of Academics - Department of Science
Let’s Make Our Face Using different materials (pipe cleaners, cotton balls, clay, tissue paper, etc.) we will make our face on construction paper Once you create your face, label the parts that use each sense and the sense they use. Division of Academics - Department of Science
Brain Check: Five Senses What are the five senses? How can we use each sense to describe an apple? What are some sounds our ears can hear? How do we use our eyes to describe an object? When we use our tongue to taste, what are four different types of taste we can use to describe food or drink? What are some different scents we can smell with our nose? Division of Academics - Department of Science
Describe senses (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) body parts (eyes, ears, hands, nose, tongue) Vocabulary Using the Five Senses Division of Academics - Department of Science
Resources ng-resource/Senses-Hearing-Sight- Taste-Smell-Touch / ng-resource/Senses-Hearing-Sight- Taste-Smell-Touch / ten-games/science-games/the-five- senses.html ten-games/science-games/the-five- senses.html Division of Academics - Department of Science