Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments of the Constitution.


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Presentation transcript:

Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments of the Constitution

First Amendment Guarantees or protects five freedoms: Freedom of Religion (you can practice any religion of your choice) Freedom of Speech Freedom of Press Right to Assemble Peacefully Right to Petition the Government

Guarantees the Right to Bear Arms Second Amendment Guarantees the Right to Bear Arms the govt cannot take away the peoples’ right to have firearms

Guarantees Rights in the Housing of Soldiers Third amendment Guarantees Rights in the Housing of Soldiers the govt cannot force people to feed and shelter soldiers in their homes

Guarantees Rights of Search and Seizure Fourth amendment Guarantees Rights of Search and Seizure In order for police to search a home, arrest someone, or remove evidence from a home, a warrant must be issued by a judge. Evidence that is seized in violation of this amendment cannot be used in court

Guarantees Rights in Criminal Cases Fifth amendment Guarantees Rights in Criminal Cases People accused of a crime must first be indicted by a grand jury People cannot be forced to testify against themselves Once declared not guilty, a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice (double jeopardy)

Guarantees the Right to a Fair Trial Sixth amendment Guarantees the Right to a Fair Trial People accused of crime must be told what crimes they have been charged with Have a right to a speedy and public trial Have a right to a lawyer and the right to question witnessess.

Guarantees Rights in Civil Cases Seventh Amendment Guarantees Rights in Civil Cases People have the right to a jury trial in civil cases in federal courts: Civil cases are about non-criminal matters, such as divorce, car crashes, etc.

Guarantees Rights of Bail, Fines, and Punishment Eight amendment Guarantees Rights of Bail, Fines, and Punishment Anyone found guilty cannot receive cruel and unusual punishment.

Guarantees Other Rights Not Mentioned Ninth amendment Guarantees Other Rights Not Mentioned People have many other rights that are not specifically listed in the constitution. Even though they are not listed, people still have these rights

Guarantees Powers Reserved to the States Tenth amendment Guarantees Powers Reserved to the States Powers not given to the federal government and not kept from the states belong to the state governments and to the people.

Other amendments: Thirteenth Amendment This Amendment ended slavery in the U.S. (Ratified in 1865)

Guarantees due process and the rights of citizens Fourteenth amendment Guarantees due process and the rights of citizens All persons born in the U.S. are citizens. This amendment gave citizenship to Blacks and Native Americans All citizens have equal protection under the law and

Rights of African-Americans to Vote: Fifteenth amendment Rights of African-Americans to Vote: People have the right to vote no matter what race or color This amendment gave former slaves the right to vote Amendments 13-15 are known as the Civil Rights Amendments

All women have the right to vote Nineteenth amendment Right of Women to Vote All women have the right to vote

Twenty-fourth amendment End to Poll Taxes People cannot be charged a poll tax or any other tax to vote

Twenty-sixth amendment Voting at Age 18 Voting age for all elections was lowered from 21 to 18.