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The Bill of Rights.

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1 The Bill of Rights

2 1st Amendment (Basic Liberties)
Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom of the press Freedom of assembly Freedom of petition

3 2nd Amendment (Right to bear arms)
Guarantees individual states the right to maintain "a well regulated militia," and citizens the right to "keep and bear arms."

4 3rd Amendment (housing troops)
In peacetime, citizens will never have to keep soldiers in their homes without consenting.

5 4th Amendment (Search & Seizure)
Protects citizens from improper searches of their bodies, possessions, or homes. Requires that a detailed warrant be issued by a judge listing what can be searched.

6 5th amendment Rights of the Accused - Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Cannot be tried twice for the same crime. people cannot be forced to testify against themselves. Due Process of the Law - "no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." Eminent Domain - The government must pay citizens when it takes over their property for a public use.

7 6th amendment (fair & Speedy Trials)
Guarantees a speedy, public trial by an impartial jury in the area where the crime was committed. The accused has a right to a lawyer.

8 7th amendment (Jury Trials)
Americans will receive a jury trial in civil (as opposed to criminal) cases involving property worth more than $20.

9 8th amendment (Bails, Fines, & Punishments)
Protects people from having to pay unreasonably high "bail" in order to be released from prison before they go to trial. Protects people from unreasonably high fines. Outlaws cruel and unusual punishment.

10 9th amendment (reserved Powers)
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not define all of the fundamental rights people have, and cannot be used by the federal government to increase its powers in areas not stated.

11 10th amendment (reserved Powers)
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

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