JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture in the Monitoring Mechanism Framework Adrian Leip, Joint Research Centre.


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Presentation transcript:

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture in the Monitoring Mechanism Framework Adrian Leip, Joint Research Centre Inventory and Projections Experts Workshop under Working Group I and Working Group II of the EU GHG Monitoring Mechanism Committee 27 th – 28 th February, 2003 EEA, Copenhagen

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Outline VOpen questions - two examples VGoals of this workshop VData Quality VAgriculture in EU-15

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Data Quality Assessment and Control – Criteria Timeliness Completeness Consistency Transparency Comparability Accuracy Precision COMPLEXITYFEASIBILITY HIERACHICAL LEVEL VVerification

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Consistency Timeliness Completeness Transparency Comparability Verification Precision Accuracy Inventory System – Data Quality Aspects MS ETC/ACC- EEA JRC EUROSTAT IPCC / Research / MS

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Data Quality – Role of this workshop transparency / comparability: learn about the methods used in the national inventories evaluate comparability of the methods used point on inconsistencies and unexplainable differences accuracy / precision discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methodologies for national and EU inventories to be able to account for mitigation measures

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION N2OCH4 Anthropogenic biogenic GHG emissions in Europe (2002 submissions) Agricultural soils: 87% Enteric Fermentation: 78% Total GHG emissions (2000): 4000 Tg CO2-eq. Share of agriculture on total emissions: 10% Share of biogenic emissions: 520 Tg CO2-eq. (13%) 69% of N2O are biogenic 82% of CH4 are biogenic



JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION CH 4 Fluxes in agricultural systems ANIMAL HOUSING/STORAGE GRAZING CH 4 NH 3 N2ON2OCH 4 NH 3 NON2ON2O WATER N2ON2OCH 4 FERT. SOIL N2ON2OCH 4 SOIL flow of organic C and N emission of C and N gases deposition of N gases flow of mineral N agricultural system OTHER

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Enteric fermentation – background information subcategories - where to put in CRF? country-specific emission factors ? DairyNon-dairy AT BE DK10437 FI FR DE10048 GR8156 IE10050 IT11350 LU NL8145 PT10048 ES SE GB

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Submission 2002 for 1997 (EC-IR): 6435 Gg CH Gg CO2-eq in 2000, 83% of emissions were “cattle”: 5341 Gg CH Gg CO2-eq IPCC sub-categoryEuroFarm class Calves on milkBovine animals under 1 year old Calves on forageBovine animals 1-2 years old Mature malesBovine animals 2 year old and over, male Dairy cattleDairy cows Replacement/growingBovine animals 2 year old and over, heifers and other cows CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation [Gg CO2-eq] NUTS 3 level EuroFarm disaggregation using Corine Landcover classes “grassland” and “pasture” EUROSTAT (EuroFarm) Livestock Data: a)EFs from 2003 submissions: Gg CO2-eq b)IPCC Tier 1 (Dairy/non-dairycattle): Gg CO2-eq c)IPCC Tier 1 excluding calves < 1 year: 84929Gg CO2-eq d)IPCC Tier 2: 93132Gg CO2-eq

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Methane uptake rates in Europe (Boeckx & van Cleemput, 2001) grasslandarable landforest mg CH 4 m -2 d -1 CH4 fluxes from agricultural soils No background information Reduced capability of arable soils to act as a sink for CH4 ?

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Direct N2O emissions from agricultural soils variations cannot be explained by input of nitrogen only: land use history application technique organic carbon,.... variability in caused by the local weather VEF of 1.25% too high?

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION N2O emissions from agricultural soils – “background emissions” two MS have included an emission of N2O from agricultural soils due to cultivation of mineral soils of 0.5 kg N2O-N ha -1 year -1 factoring-out of anthropogenic induced background emissions ? additional information required to determine level (land-use history) ? V modelling !!

JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Conclusions there are many questions..