In the Usted, Ustedes, and Nosotros form


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Presentation transcript:

In the Usted, Ustedes, and Nosotros form -Commands In the Usted, Ustedes, and Nosotros form

-When to Use Usted and Ustedes Commands Give orders or advice to others in a formal condition. Ex: Hable con ellos = Talk with them

-Usted and Ustedes Command Formation -Steps: Go to the present “yo” form of the verb, and drop final “o” For AR verbs, add “e” to the end of the verbs (“en” for ustedes) For IR / ER verbs, add “a” at the end of the verb (“an” for ustedes) -Examples of formation: cantar  yo canto (“yo” form of the verb)  cant (drop “o”)  cante(n) (add “e” to end (“en” for ustedes)) vivir  yo vivo  viv  viva(n)

-Rules when forming Usted and ustedes commands Verbs with an irregular “yo” form maintain the irregularity Ex: decir  digo (irregular “yo” form)  diga(n) = final form Other irregulars (hacer, tener, traer, conducer, conocer, decir…) Car -Gar -Zar have the changes in the command form Ex: sacar  saque(n) jugar  juegue(n) almorzar  almuerce(n)

-Irregular Formations Infinitive: Usted Ustedes: Dar dé den Estar esté estén Ir vaya vayan Saber sepa sepan Ser sea sean

-Making Commands negative Insert “no” before the verb Ex: (no ponga, no ensucien…)

-Pronoun Placement Reflexive, indirect, and direct object pronouns are attached to the end of the conjugated verb. Ex: (siéntense, acuéstense…) When a pronoun is placed at the end of the conjugated verb that has two or more syllables, and accent mark is used in order to keep original stress. Reflexive, indirect, and direct pronouns precede the verb if the command is negative.

-Nosotros Commands Used to give orders or advice that include yourself and others. Ex: (Vamos a la playa = Lets go to the beach) Corresponds to the English Let’s

-Nosotros Command Formation Formed by using the first-person plural conjugation of the present Subjunctive Steps: Start with present “yo” form of verb Drop “o” Use following endings: AR verbs = “emos,” ER/IR verbs = “amos”

-Rules of Formation Verbs with irregular “yo” forms maintain the irregularity (ex: decir, conducer) Car -Gar -Zar have the changes in the command form Ex: sacar  saquemos jugar  juguemos almorzar  almorcemos AR and ER stem changers have no change in the nosotros command form. IR stem changers have a change! The unstressed “e” changes to “i” and the unstressed “o” changes to “u” Ex: (dormir(o:ue)  →   durmamos, sentir(e:ie) → sintamos…)

-Irregular and Negative Formations No vayamos is only irregular negative formation of ir. To make a nosotros command negative, add “no” before the conjugated verb. Ex: (no hablemos)

-Pronoun placement Object pronouns are attached to the command, and an accent is added to maintain original stress. Ex: Escibamos a Ana y Raul.  Escribámosles Object pronouns are placed before negative nosotros commands. Ex: No les paguemos no se lo digamos a ellos.

Ways to Remember Commands Acronym for remembering the irregular formal command verbs: Did (dar) = de(n) with accent on “e” in usted form Emery (estar) = esté(n) Investigate(ir) = vaya(n) Stephens(saber) = sepa(n) Sword (ser) = sea(n) Vigorously (ir(nosotros)) = no vayamos

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