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Los mandatos formales Español 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Los mandatos formales Español 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los mandatos formales Español 2

2 Regular Formal commands (affirmative AND negative)
Start with the form of the verb Drop the 3. Then put on the yo O. Opposite ending. (Ud./Uds)

3 Formal Commands (+/-) -ar verbs -er/-ir verbs Ud. Uds. habl E corr

4 -car, -gar, -zar verbs Verbs that end in –car will have a spelling change in which the changes to Verbs that end in –gar will have a spelling change in which the changes to Verbs that end in –zar will have a spelling change in which the changes to C QU G GU Z C

5 Práctica ¡Salgan! ¡No escriban! ¡Apague! ¡No ponga! ¡Empiecen!
¡No jueguen!

6 “IR” Stem-changers (O-U Burrito Verbs)
DORMIR MORIR Ud. (no) duerma Ud (no) muera Uds. (no) duerman Uds (no) mueran

7 Irregulares Dar Ud. Uds. Nosotros VAYA Ir Ud. Uds. Nosotros
SerUd. Uds. Nostros SaberUd Uds. Nosotros EstarUd. Uds. Nosotros Dar Ud Uds. Nosotros VAYAN VAMOS NO VAYAMOS! SEA SEAN SEAMOS SEPA SEPAN SEPAMOS ESTEMOS ESTÉ ESTÉN DEN DEMOS

8 Reflexive Verbs & Commands with DIRECT OBJECTS PRONOUNS
With the affirmative command all we did was ____________ the object pronoun to the affirmative command. (Notice we added an accent mark to keep the stress in the original place. Un, Dos, Tres BAM!) ATTACH

9 A PRACTICAR Lávese- Wash yourself! Séquense- Dry yourselves!
lavarse (Ud.) _________________ secarse (Uds.)_______________ Séquense- Dry yourselves!

10 Negative Reflexive Commands
The difference with the negative commands is that the object pronoun will be placed _______________ the verb. BEFORE

11 RECUEDA..USE “Se” because they are formal Ud. & Uds. Commands
21. No lavarse __________________ (Ud.) 22. No secarse ____________________ (Uds.) ¡No se lave! Don’t wash yourself! ¡No se sequen! Don’t dry yourselves!

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