REVIEW MEETING ON RURAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF HON’BLE MINISTER, RD Date: , Time: AM Venue:- Secretariat Conference Hall # 2 Venue:- Secretariat Conference Hall # 2 8/13/20151
ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED MGNREGS Physical & Financial Achievement Implementation of e-FMS IPPE Social Audit - PPT Convergence Rural Housing – IAY TSGHS TRLM / NERLP / TSSPS SECC 8/13/20152
MGNREGA 8/13/20153
FUND FLOW POSITION UNDER MGNREGA (Rs. in Crore) YearApproved LB Fund Received (Central + State) % of Fund Received ( ) ( ) ( ) 32 8/13/20154
Performance of some States in MGNREGA Name of The State Average Mandays Generated Tripura Mizoram 7371 Sikkim 6169 Tamilnadu 5859 Kerala 5557 Maharashtra 5345 Rajasthan 5251 Andra Pradesh 50 Jammu & Kashmir 4951 Himachal Pradesh 4852 National /13/20155
District wise LB vs. Achievement (Physical) District Persondays % of Achievement Avg. PD ProjectedAchievement ProjectedAchievement Dhalai South West North Unakoti Khowai Gomati Sepahijala Total 8/13/20156
District wise LB vs. Achievement (Financial) District Projected Exp. Total Fund Available Total Exp.% of Exp. Unspent Balance Dhalai South West North Unakoti Khowai Gomati Sepahijala Total 8/13/20157
PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL COMPARISON UNDER MGNREGA FOR & District Physical Performance ( Avg. Persondays generated) Total Fund Available with % of expenditure [Rs. in lakh] (Up to Oct.) ( ) (Up to Oct.) ( ) Dhalai South West North Unakoti Khowai Gomati Sepahijala Total 8/13/20158
District wise: SC, ST, Others & Women participation FY (up to ) Districts Total Mandays Generated Category wise Participation with percentage SCSTOthersWomen DLI STH WST NTH UKT KHW GMT SPJ Total 98/13/2015
District wise Works and Activities, as on 05/11/14 Sl. No. Works / ActivitiesNo. of works CompletedIn Progress 1Water conservation and water harvesting 2Agriculture related works 3Livestock related works 4Drought proofing 5Fisheries related works 6Rural Drinking water related works 7Rural Sanitation related works 8Micro irrigation works 9Irrigation facility to land owned by SCs, STs, BPL, IAY beneficiary, SF/MF, RoFR beneficiaries 10Renovation of traditional water bodies 11Land Development 12Flood control & protection 13Rural connectivity 14BNRGSK building 15Any other Activity (Approved by the MoRD) 16Total 108/13/2015 Name of the District:-
ICT infrastructure District No. of GP/VC Total No. of PC/Laptop available Total No. of GP/VC having internet connection Total No. of GP/VC without internet connectivity North121 Unakoti86 Dhalai137 Khowai113 West164 Sepahijala163 Gomati165 South169 Total /13/2015
STATUS OF e-FMS IMPLEMENTATION, Total No. of Bank AccountsTotal No. of Bank Accounts freezed with % District SBIUBITGBTSCBTotalSBIUBITGBTSCBTotal DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201512
STATUS OF e-FMS IMPLEMENTATION, DistrictNo. of Blocks No. of GP/VC No. of GP/VC implementing e-FMS as on No. of GP/VC ready to implement e- FMS as on No. of GP/VC in which e-FMS can not be implemented by with tentative date of implementation Dhalai South West North Unakoti Khowai Gomati Sepahijala Total 8/13/201513
STATUS OF e-FMS IMPLEMENTATION, District Position of DSC availability Requirement of DSCs Total DSC application submitted Total DSC received Total DSC enrolled in MIS DSCs yet to be procured (requirement – received) DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201514
IPPE Proposed timelines for implementing IPPE in Tripura Important datesActivities 5 th November, 2014Formation of BLTs and VPTs 10 th November, 2014 Orientation of Charge Officers, Sabhadhipati, Chairpersons 11 – 15 th November, 2014 Block Level Trainers training at SIPARD : All District (15 IPPE Blocks) 18 – 22 nd November, 2014 Training of Village Planning Teams at Block Level (Phase 1- six smaller blocks, 9 big Blocks -1 st round) 25 – 29 th November, 2014 Training of Village Planning Teams at Block Level (Phase 2- nine blocks 2 nd round) 1 to 31 st December, 2014Planning Exercise 1 st January, 2015Consolidation of Shelf of projects at Block level 5 th January, 2015Consolidation of Shelf of projects at District level 10 th January, 2015Consolidation of Shelf of projects at State level 8/13/201515
SOCIAL AUDIT, Districts No. of GP/VC Social Audit Conducted by Whether uploaded in MIS Major findings [Separate sheets / slide may be added, if necessary] GRAM SABHASoSSMBC DLI 137 GMT 164 KHW 113 NTH 122 SPJ 163 STH 169 UKT 86 WST 164 Total /13/2015
SOCIAL AUDIT, Districts No. of GP/VC Social Audit Conducted during 1st & 2 nd Qtr. By Whether uploaded in MIS Major findings [Separate sheets / slide may be added, if necessary] GRAM SABHASoSSMBC DLI 137 GMT 164 KHW 113 NTH 122 SPJ 163 STH 169 UKT 86 WST 164 Total /13/2015 PPT on Social Audit
Convergence The District Programme Coordinators (DM & Collectors) are requested to send at least 5 photographs of successful projects under convergence between MGNREGS and schemes of line departments as per the format given below: Photograph of the projects to be pasted here Name of the Project with exact location & FY: Total project cost: – Wages: – Material: Mandays generated: Sources of fund: MGNREGS: Line department: Outcomes/Benefits: 8/13/201518
Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total 8/13/ Convergence -North Tripura District
8/13/ Convergence - Unakoti District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
8/13/ Convergence - Dhalai District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
8/13/ Convergence - Khowai District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
8/13/ Convergence - West Tripura District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
8/13/ Convergence - Sepahijala District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
8/13/ Convergence - Gomati District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
8/13/ Convergence - South Tripura District Name of line Deptt. TargetAchievement Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] Physical [In Nos.] Financial [Rs. in Lakh] MGNREGS Line Deptt with (%) Total Drinking Water & Sanitation (NBA) Agriculture Department Horticulture Department Sericulture Department Fishery Department Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Forest Department Irrigation & Flood Control (WR) PWD (R&B)- PMGSY Road Total
Rural Housing 8/13/201527
Issues on Rural Housing to be discussed Updation on AawaasSoft Fixation of instalments Separate accounts of IAY to be maintained by all BDOs Selection, sanctioning and release of funds to the accounts of beneficiaries of by 15 th Nov, Submission of 2 nd instalment proposal of IAY Normal by 30 th Nov, Submission of UCs for TSGHS for the FY DM, Unakoti to submit Audit Report for RoFR Utilization of Admin fund (3.5%) and report in MIS. 8/13/201528
Rural Housing FYCategory PhysicalFinancial Target Completed with % Fund Received Expenditure with % Normal Normal RoFR Returnees TSGHS Sub Total Normal TSGHS Sub Total Grand Total 8/13/201529
–IAY (Normal) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201530
–IAY (Normal) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201531
–IAY (RoFR) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201532
–IAY (Returnees) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201533
–IAY (TSGHS) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201534
–IAY (Normal) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201535
–IAY (TSGHS) DistrictPhysicalFinancial TargetCompletedFund ReceivedExpenditure DLI GMT KHW NTH SPJ STH UKT WST Total 8/13/201536
TRLM 8/13/201537
Proposed Timeline of SECC 8/13/ SlEvent Proposed timeline Day Date FromTo 1Draft list publication Conducting Gram Sabha1 to Receipt of Claims & Objection1 to Disposal of Claims & Objection7 to Receipt of appeals / petitions at district level7 to Disposal of appeals15 to F-file uploading Z-files (for web publishing) and A files (for printing) Z-file (for printing and publishing)
THANK YOU 8/13/201539