THE HISTORY OF COMPUTERS Presenter: Miss T. Johnson Grade: 8
The early years
The Abacus The first counting device Has no definite inventor but it’s creation was largely influenced by the Chinese and Romans Based on a place-value system where the place of a bead or rock determined how much it was worth
The Abacus
The Pascaline Created by French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal Was the first mechanical digital calculator Could perform only addition and subtraction on whole numbers
The Pascaline
Jacquard’s Loom Created by Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1801 Used punched cards Punched card: a card in which holes are punched in designated positions to represent data — called also Hollerith card View in action
Jacquard’s Loom
Charles Babbage Called the “father of the computer” Designed two machines: the Difference Engine Designed to be steam powered and fully automatic Analytical Engine Was not able to build his machines as the technology was not yet available
Charles Babbage Difference Engine Analytical Engine
Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine Invented by Dr. Herman Hollerith Used punched cards Was used to compile data for the US census of 1980
Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
Generations of the computer
Generations of the Computer Classified into five categories Characterized by the type of electrical component/technology used to build the computer
First Generation 1945-1956 Very large Vacuum tube Time period Size Technology 1945-1956 Very large Vacuum tube
First Generation ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
Second Generation 1956-1963 Large ; smaller than first generation Time period Size Technology 1956-1963 Large ; smaller than first generation Transistor
Second Generation IBM 7094
Third Generation 1964-1970 smaller than second generation Time period Size Technology 1964-1970 smaller than second generation integrated circuit (IC) or chip
Third Generation IBM 370
Fourth Generation 1971-present Small Portable Time period Size Technology 1971-present Small Portable integrated circuit (IC) or chip LSI ULSI
Fourth Generation
Fifth Generation Any ideas???
Fifth Generation Artificial intelligence – computers mimicking human beings Greater development of: Robotics Voice recognition
Summary – History of Computers Invention Inventor Abacus Creation influenced by ancient civilization (Chinese, Romans, Egyptians and others). Pascaline Blaise Pascal Jacquard’s Loom Joseph Marie Jacquard Tabulating machine Herman Hollerith Analytical Engine Difference Engine Charles Babbage Adapted from History of Computers presentation by Miss Hall and Mrs. Batchelor (2014)
Summary – Generations of Computers First Generation (1945-1956) Second Generation (1956-1963) Third Generation (1964-1970) Fourth Generation (1971- present) Vacuum Tubes Transistors Integrated Circuits Microprocessors Big and Clumsy High electricity consumption Larger AC units were needed Lot of electricity failure occurred. Smaller transistors were used Core memory was developed. Faster than first generation computers Integrated circuits developed Power consumption was low. 100 times faster than the second generation Development of portable computers Floppy disks, optical disks then flash memory became the popular storage media Adapted from History of Computers presentation by Miss Hall and Mrs. Batchelor (2014) Template Provided By 500,000 Downloadable PowerPoint Templates, Animated Clip Art, Backgrounds and Videos