Propaganda in Advertising. What is propaganda? Propaganda is the use of a variety of communication techniques. These techniques create an emotional appeal.


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Presentation transcript:

Propaganda in Advertising

What is propaganda? Propaganda is the use of a variety of communication techniques. These techniques create an emotional appeal to do one of the following: accept a particular opinion adopt a certain behavior perform a particular action purchase a particular product

Propaganda Techniques

Name Calling Name Calling links a person or idea to a negative symbol. Examples: commie yuppy B. Hussein Obama

Glittering Generalities Glittering Generalities uses virtue words (the opposite of name calling) to link a product or idea with a positive symbol. Examples democracy patriotism family

Transfer Transfer is a device that links a positive feeling with a product or idea. values fame or wealth power sex appeal

Testimonial Testimonial uses a public figure or celebrity to promote a product, idea, or political candidate. Examples: sports star actor or actress musician

Plain Folks Plain Folks attempts to convince the audience that a prominent person has ideas that are “of the people.” Example: “Hockey Mom”

Snob Appeal Snob Appeal flatters the customer or implies that the particular product is better than others. (Opposite of Plain Folks)

Bandwagon Bandwagon makes the appeal that “everyone else is doing it, and so should you.”

Fear Fear warns the audience that disaster will result if they do not follow a particular course of action.

Bad Logic Bad Logic uses an illogical message to manipulate or deliberately promote a cause.

Evidence Claims Evidence Claims use scientific-sounding jargon, statistics, or “miraculous ingredients” to promote a product.

Identify the Propaganda Technique

#1 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#2 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#3 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#4 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#5 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#6 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#7 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#8 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#9 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims

#10 Name Calling Glittering Generalities Transfer Testimonial Plain Folks Snob Appeal Bandwagon Fear Bad Logic Evidence Claims