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ENGLISH 10 PROPAGANDA. WHAT IS IT? Information of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political belief. The dissemination.

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2 WHAT IS IT? Information of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political belief. The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

3 BANDWAGON The idea that ‘everyone is doing it’ and, therefore, you should do it too! Ex. Everyone at KCP is going to skip school, don’t be the only one not to!


5 TESTIMONIAL This is an endorsement for a particular political candidate or product. Ex. English teachers around the world want Mr. Dopuch to be one of their references on their resume.

6 PLAIN FOLKS When the propaganda include and ‘relates’ to the common people of the world. The idea that ‘we’re one of you!’

7 TRANSFER This includes the usage of quotes, famous images, symbols, etc... The propaganda relates a common symbol and the information to make you feel the same way about the symbol.


9 FEAR Fairly easy to understand. The technique is used to make people scared of the consequences and, therefore, side with you. Ex. Gun control in The United States should be strict, otherwise everyone will have a gun and it will be chaos and violent.


11 LOGICAL FALLACIES The idea of applying logic but drawing the incorrect conclusion. Your argument may be correct, but its conclusion is not correct. Premise 1: Daniela talks a lot. Premise 2: Daniela is a tenth grader. Conclusion: Therefore, all tenth graders talk a lot.

12 GLITTERING GENERALITIES This is similar to the ‘transfer’ method from before. But this time, you use exciting and vague virtues to connect your audience’s emotions to the virtue. Virtues like: rights, civilization, family values, character, democracy, freedom, etc… An ad by cigarette companies may state, “Don’t let them take away your rights!”


14 NAME-CALLING This is the opposite of the ‘Glittering Generalities’ approach. This idea connects someone with a negative idea. Making the people believe that, that person is a negative person.


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