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Presentation transcript:

Manufacturing Communications 5.1.12 Begin Research for Career Project

Daily Objectives Students will be able to list at least 3 requirements of their final career project with at least 80% accuracy. Students will be able to research and list 10 informational facts on their chosen topic with 100% accuracy.

Researching Your Career The students should consider these questions and information when they are researching their particular choices for their project: Before you meet with any employer for an informational interview, here are some basic questions you can use to guide your research. These can be usually answered on your own, before you research the interview stage.

Researching Your Career Employers and workers whom you will also interview, will take you more seriously when they see you have done your research and are knowledgeable about their industry, and the work you are asking about. While doing your research, using these basic questions, you may decide: “You know what. I’m not really interested in this type of work. It’s not what I thought it was.” That’s OK. That’s exactly why it’s important to research a job, before you waste time going any further with it. Now you know why that job is not for you. Move on to the next job, and test that out using Basic Questions Checklist.

By: Student McStudentson Veterinarian By: Student McStudentson

What Specific Job I Want and Where I want to be the head veterinarian at Paws Plus Incorporated in Cleveland, Ohio.

background on career Position: Head Veterinarian Education Required: Admission to veterinary school is highly competitive and requires extensive preparation. It is not easy to be accepted into a vet school! Ex. In the United States in 2007, approximately 5,750 applicants competed for the 2,650 seats in the 28 accredited Veterinary schools, with an acceptance rate of 46%.

Education continued… Following academic education, most countries require a vet to be registered with the relevant governing body, and to maintain this license to practice. Depending on where I practice, I may have to complete an examination or test in order to complete this registration. For example, in the U.S, a soon-to-be vet must receive a passing grade on a national board examination, the North America Veterinary Licensing Exam. The exam must be completed over the course of 8 hours, and consists of 360 multiple-choice questions, covering all aspects of veterinary medicine, as well as visual material designed to test diagnostic skills.

Education continued… With high levels of competition, many schools may place heavy emphasis and consideration on a candidate's veterinary and animal experience. Formal experience is a particular advantage to the applicant, often consisting of work with veterinarians or scientists in clinics, agribusiness, research, or some area of health science. Less formal experience is also helpful to have (this includes working with animals on a farm or ranch or at a stable or animal shelter and basic overall animal exposure)

Dog X-ray (Broken front leg)

background on career My responsibilities would include: treating disease, disorders or injuries in animals, which includes diagnosis, treatment and aftercare Vets must rely on clinical signs, because animals can’t vocalize symptoms as a human would. Animal observations Diagnostic tests such as X-Rays, CT Scans, Blood Tests, Urinalysis or other diagnostics. Vaccinations and Euthanizations Educating owners on care of their pets Focus on “Small animal and Exotic animal” practice (this would involve cats, dogs, rodents, birds, reptiles, ferrets, rabbits, etc.)

Background continued… Veterinarians often work long hours Some work nights or weekends, and they may have to respond to emergencies outside of scheduled work hours. About 1 in 4 veterinarians worked more than 50 hours per week in 2010

Steps to acquire this position include: Graduate high school Attend a 4 year college focusing on a major in Science or Zoo Biology Apply for an internship while in college (where I can work at a zoo, vet clinic or animal shelter) Intern at a vet’s office for experience (1 year internship)

Steps to acquire this position include: Volunteer at local ranches, farms, vet clinics for additional experience Complete GRE (Graduate Record Examination) After receiving my Bachelor’s degree and completing the exams, apply for Vet School Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine Program (another four years of schools with more internships) (1 out of 3 get in on average)

Steps to acquire this position include: Pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam. I may also need to complete a state- specific exam on local laws or clinical skills. If I choose to become board-certified in a specialty area of veterinary medicine, an additional residency program is required.

Personal interest in field From a young age, I have always been interested in working with animals I used to draw diagrams of what my Veterinarian facility would look like I always hoped to combine a shelter facility with my vet business

Personal interest in field I have always had a passion for animals For whatever reason they make my life feel complete I also like helping others and making things better, so combining that with animals makes a lot of sense to me My parents are in the medical field as well, so I have grown up around all types of medical terminology and am familiar with what it takes to succeed as a doctor.

Skills i have related to this career Great with people (would help interact with the owners of the animals) Passion for animals Excelled in science and math Hand dexterity and ability to control hand movement during surgeries, etc. Organized Completed 2 different internships over the past 4 years Volunteered at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo this past summer and got to work with the Big Cats department

Job Location There are a multitude of job opening in the United States. I’ll be able to apply for nearly any job I’d like and hope to get an interview I can stay in state if I’d like or move out People everywhere have pets, so I can find a job in any state I’d like to go work in California Animal Medical Center of Southern California

PRO CON ProS and Cons of my job Living my dream Interact with people and animals Save lives! Help owners learn about their pets Can be a very lucrative career ($$$) Emotional toll of watching some animals not make it Witness abused animals Euthanization On-call 24/7

Life Goals (28 years old)10 year- Within ten years, I’d like to be finishing my schooling, get married, and travel to the Galapagos Islands for animal research on free time (38 years old) 20 year- Have developed and established myself in a secure Veterinarian business, Have three children (48 years old) 30 year- Happily working in my clinic, putting my kids through school, and assisting the ASPCA with animal shelter funding campaigns Would like to retire around 69 and spend my time volunteering and pursuing other hobbies like photography