EUPEN General Forum EGF2007 6 - 8 September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. Physics Research and Physics Education  Prof.dr. Gheorghe.


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Presentation transcript:

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. Physics Research and Physics Education  Prof.dr. Gheorghe Popa  “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi  Romania

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  Content 1. Education and research in physics; is it really a problem at present time? 2. Short history 3. Present and future in physics - research and education 4. Instead of conclusion......!

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  1. Education and research in physics;  is it really a problem at present time?  Partly yes and partly no  it is different from a country to an other all over the world

2. Short history

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education 3.1.Present - swot analysis:  Strength  - Well structured: principles and laws  - Quantitative description within well defined limits  - Open community with open minded people  - Good selection system: pier review, ISI  - Fast reaction for news: www, grid system, etc.  - Training and education with large horizon  - Good experience in research - education relationship  - Large amount of basic scientific knowledge

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.1.Present - swot analysis:  Weaknesses:  - fore front in physics need large effort and rather long and intense training of the people, which reduce the access to almost an elite.  - in spite of the technical possibilities the attractiveness among the talented young people seems to decrease in many countries

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.1.Present - swot analysis:  Opportunities:  - physics is a fundamental science, which has to be learned up to certain level by all people  - physics knowledge becomes compulsory for present front science as molecular biology, genetics, life sciences, economics, etc  - new technologies are based on physics science 

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.1.Present - swot analysis:  Threats:  - both education and research activities become more and more expensive  - large amount of information contained in physics makes difficult a broad training even of a physicist  - training in physics is still more difficult than in other domains

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.2. Future  In research,  there are two main directions:  i) fundamental physics as: elementary particles, astrophysics and nano-scale physics  ii) interdisciplinary collaboration as: technical applications, bio-structure, genetics, medicine, environmental problem, archaeology,  conservation, etc.

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. fundamental physics - elementary particles

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. fundamental physics - nano-scale physics

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. Technical applications - ENERGY SUN ITER

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. Interdisciplinary: bio-structure and genetics

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. Interdisciplinary: medicine X – ray N.M.R. – M.R.I. P.E.T.

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.2. Future  In education  Three components:  1) learning system as organisation  2) content of training  3) who learns and who teaches physics

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.2. Future  In education  1) learning system as organisation and infrastructure  Three directions:  i) general learning process having two steps -  i.1. within compulsory education until step to HE  i.2. within HE system for those specialities which need physics  ii) specialisation within faculty of physics  iii) public education

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.2. Future  In education  2) content of training  i) curricula  ii) syllabus  iii) practice  iv) good infrastructure  - set-ups, devices, laboratories, etc  - books, electronic support, etc

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain.  3. Present and future in physics - research and education  3.2. Future  In education  3) who learns and who teaches physics  - who learns?  - who teaches - gifted people for that mission!

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. 4. Instead of conclusion......!

EUPEN General Forum EGF September 2007 Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Costa Brava), Spain. Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!

3. Prezent şi viitor ENERGIE

3. Prezent şi viitor NANOTEHNOLOGII



4. Fizica şi educaţia Întrebare: Astăzi, când societatea este dominată de regulile economiei de piaţă, cercetarea în fizică şi învăţământul în domeniul fizicii mai pot juca “a leading role or any importance” în formarea generală a generaţiei tinere ? Răspuns: - Etienne de Wolf – Physics Teaching Fortum – 16 martie 2002 Brussels

4. Fizica şi educaţia 1)Limitele economiei de piaţă: 1.1 producţia de bunuri materiale, bazată pe ştiinţă şi tehnologie, poate avea efecte colaterale negative, care nu ţin seama neapărat de reguluile economiei de piaţă cel puţin temporar. 1.2 ştiinţa şi tehnologia pot fi, şi nu de puţine ori chiar sunt, folosite pentru a crea “gunoaie profitabile”, crime profitabile” şi chiar “ afaceri militare profitabile”. 1.3 un număr de bunuri din societate, dintre care unele chiar foarte bune, nu sunt neapărat generate de mecanismele de piaţă şi unele dintre ele nici nu necesită neapărat elemente ale ştiinţei şi tehnologiei!

4. Fizica şi educaţia 2)Ce pot aduce ştiinţa şi învăţământul de fizică mai mult decât un transfer de cunoştinţe şi deprinderi teoretice şi practice focalizate pe o utilitate nemijlocită ? : RĂSPUNS : “scopul învăţământului de fizică este de a pregăti tinerii să devină cetăţeni responsabili” capabili să: 3.1. se adapteze lumii în care trăiesc 3.2. să-şi dezvolte personalitatea 3.3. să contribuie conştient la pregătirea şi construcţia societăţii viitoare 3.4. să fie un factor de echilibru mai ales în situaţiile conflictuale