Students will acquire the knowledge and skills to select appropriate 11 th grade courses, considering their own personal preferences, learning strengths, and future goals. Introduction of counseling staff Discuss requirements for graduation and introduce official high school transcript Review course offerings and descriptions Explain course selection process Questions
Ms. Candace Lane – (Last names L-Z) Mr. Doug Sankey – (Last names A-K) Mrs. Patricia Richardson (Secretary) Mrs. Kim Torres (Social Worker)
How many credits are needed to graduate from Philipsburg-Osceola Senior High?
In order to progress through the grade levels, students must achieve certain minimum credit levels: Grade 10: Must have earned at least 5 credits and must be enrolled for at least 7 credits. Grade 11: Must have earned at least 11 credits and must be enrolled for at least 7 credits. Grade 12: Must have earned at least 17 credits and must be enrolled for at least 7 credits.
Total credits for graduation must include: 4 credits of English 4 credits of Social Studies 4 credits of Mathematics 4 credits of Science 2 credits of Physical Education 0.5 credit of Health 2.0 credits of Arts and Humanities 3.5 credits of Electives
What classes in 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th grade count towards a student’s GPA and Class Rank?
What classes in 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th grade go on your high school transcript?
Each of your courses, grades, credits, and your daily attendance is recorded on your High School Transcript. An Official Transcript can be sent to each college or technical/vocational school that a student applies to, but a review of your transcript can also be requested by: – Branches of the military – Employers – Scholarship agencies – NCAA
Students should carefully review the Program of Studies to select courses. Be sure you meet the requirements (Example: Available to your grade level, meet the prerequisite, etc). Select courses which may assist you in your future career or with career exploration. (Electives, CCCTC, Academies, etc.) Select courses which may allow you to access higher levels of courses in a particular area. Most courses may only be selected once during your high school studies. Vocational-Technical Education at CCCTC
Determine what factors are important for your institution to have. Do these factors matter to you? Size Location Academic Program Offerings Reputation Cost Other?
Speak with your counselor! Use the Counseling Office Attend the admission representative visits Use the internet, college websites, and CHOICES to explore options.
You will be attending the CCCA College Fair as a Junior. Over 55 post-secondary schools are represented. Date of Fair: October 2 nd, 2014
SAT-I Registration is done through Preparation: All students in grades 10 and 11 can take the PSAT in October. Official SAT online preparation materials are available at SAT I prep books are available through the counseling office for loan. Scoring: Each section is scored from A perfect score on the Critical Reading, Mathematics Reasoning, and Writing is Not every institution considers the writing. Check to see if they are looking at CR + Math or all three tests!
SAT Scores continued: Students should select which institutions will receive their scores when registering. Some institutions will ONLY accept SAT I scores directly from the Collegeboard. Philipsburg-Osceola lists SAT and/or ACT scores on transcripts. Remember our school code: !
Test MonthRegistration Deadline ACTSeptemberMid-August SAT-I and IIOctoberEarly September ACTOctoberMid September SAT-I and IINovember Late September ACTDecemberEarly November SAT-I and IIDecemberEarly November SAT-I and IIJanuaryLate December ACTFebruaryEarly January SAT-IMarchLate February ACTApril Mid-March SAT-I and IIMayEarly April ACTJuneEarly May SAT-I and IIJuneEarly May Offered at P-O
The ACT (American College Test) is another standardized test that institutions look at. In fact, some schools accept the ACT in lieu of the SAT. It differs from the SAT in the following ways: 4 sections on the ACT (Science is #4) Scores range from (A 36 is equal to a 2400 on the SAT.) ACT is a test of knowledge. SAT is a test of ability. Students register at
The counseling staff along with Mrs. Torres are available to help students with any personal issues that may be limiting one’s educational opportunities. Issues may include, but are not limited to: Peer Issues Grief and Loss Depression Anxiety Medical Issues Family Problems Anger Issues Stress Management Self-confidence Drug and Alcohol issues – personally or with family members Please assist us by being willing to advocate for yourself.
14 PIAA Sports Clubs and Activities Band/Chorus Drama
Thank you for your attention. Questions?