Edward Walker Room K513 7 th Grade Coatimundi Social Studies 8 th Grade Scorpion Social Studies Class Website:
Goals To teach Social Studies... In a balanced and unbiased manner. As a challenge for students to experiment, critique and value differing viewpoints. In a manner that makes the learning environment engaging yet academic. Through a variety of different instructional methods.
Goals (continued) 5.To help students to become informed and active citizens who take their duties as citizens studiously and seriously. 6.To stress the importance of good reading and writing skills. 7.To help students become life long learners. 8.To help students become critical thinkers.
Curriculum All curriculum objectives are determined by the Arizona State Standards. All teachers of Social Studies are expected to use the standards that have been developed as guidelines for what they teach. Students in this class will be exposed to concepts and information as required by the State of Arizona.
Curriculum Continued (7 th Grade) World and United States Geography Microeconomics and personal finance. American History with major emphasis on: The Civil War, Reconstruction, World War I and the Great Depression.
Curriculum Continued (8 th Grade) Civics and Government including: Citizenship, forms of government, the American Revolution, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Macroeconomics including global economics. American History with major emphasis on World War II, the Cold War and Contemporary America.
Grading Standard Grading Scale 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D 0 – 59 F Grade Weights Homework = 30% Class work = 30% Tests and Quizzes = 30% Participation and Citizenship = 10%
Student Absences If a student is absent, whether it is excused or not, it is the responsibility of the STUDENT to obtain the information that was missed. Students have one day per absence to make up work that was missed due to an absence.
Classroom Rules Be Polite Be Cooperative Be Prepared Be Productive Be Positive
Supplies Needed: paper, pen or pencil, and a 1 to 2” three ring binder with three dividers. Homework: I try to assign at least one homework assignment to students each week. -It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of homework assignments in their agenda. -You may check for due dates on my class website. Tests: Students will have weekly Channel One Quizzes and approximately four or five tests every quarter.
Current Events CHANNEL ONE NEWS Students must take notes while listening to Channel One during homebase Every Friday there is a test in Social Studies on the week’s events. There are 15 questions and students choose 10. Occasional assignments from newspaper, news magazines, or internet
Teaching Methods Direct Instruction Reading for Understanding Cooperative Learning Use of Multiple Intelligences. Active Participation Creative Writing Project Based Learning
Tutoring and Individualized Instruction Team Scorpion Tutoring is held in my room every Wednesday from 2:25 to 4:20. Coatimundi students are encouraged to come to tutoring at this time. If a student can not come to tutoring, I offer help by appointment.
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