D.S. proposal 18/12/2003 R. Garoby 1 PROTON DRIVER ACTIVITY Present work program: IPHI-SPL collaboration HIPPI Joint Research Activity [CARE] Proton driver.


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Presentation transcript:

D.S. proposal 18/12/2003 R. Garoby 1 PROTON DRIVER ACTIVITY Present work program: IPHI-SPL collaboration HIPPI Joint Research Activity [CARE] Proton driver tasks inside the BENE Network Activity [CARE] ISTC projects Overview of resources Summary & Recommendation

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/ Status of IPHI-SPL Collaboration  Recent achievements: Adaptation of French equipment design to the revised parameters Strengthening of the CERN effort (3 MeV Technical Coordination Committee, integration in EDMS, analysis of control needs…) 2 productive collaboration meetings in rst module of IPHI brazed at CERN last October “Avenant” of agreement to be signed soon (formally declaring that the IPHI RFQ is for use at CERN) Strong support by the IN2P3 management IPHI = Injecteur de Protons de Haute Intensite Goal of the IPHI-SPL collaboration: modify the design of the IPHI-RFQ for 3 MeV, finish construction, test in CW with 100 mA beam current at Saclay in 2006 and deliver at CERN at the end of 2006 for the 3 MeV test place (pre-injector of the future linac 4 & SPL).

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/  Main Objectives Research and Development of the technology for high intensity pulsed proton linear accelerators up to an energy of 200 MeV. Aimed at the improvement of existing facilities (E.U. request) at GSI, RAL and CERN.  Means Coordinated efforts of 9 laboratories [RAL, CEA(Saclay), CERN, FZJ, GSI, Frankfurt University, INFN-Milano, IPN(Orsay), LPSC(Grenoble)] investing 11.1 MEuro MEuro (E.U.) over 5 years (2004 – 2008)  History & Status Autumn 2002: creation of ESGARD and recommendation to propose to the E.U. an Integrated Activity about R. & D. for accelerators in the frame of the F.P. 6 Winter 2002/2003: preparation of a proposal April 2003: HIPPI proposal submitted to the E.U., as a J.R.A. inside the CARE I.A. August 2003: publication of E.U.’s reviewers conclusion approval of HIPPI at 90 % of the financial request November 2003: reformulation of CARE to adapt to the allocated budget and comply with detailed (and fluctuating !) E.U. requirements 19 till 21, November 2003: public announcement & finalization of the planning and work organization (CARE kick off meeting) January 2004: official start inside

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/  Work Packages: WP1: Management & Communication WP2: Normal Conducting Accelerating Structures DTL, CCDTL, SCL and H-mode structures with realization of prototypes WP3: Superconducting Accelerating Structures Spoke and elliptical cavities, coupler design with test of prototypes WP4: Beam Chopping Two different choppers & chopping line designs with prototypes and tests with beam WP5: Beam Dynamics Validation of simulation codes, Experiments on beam halo & emittance growth, Development of special beam diagnostics, Beam collimation design inside

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/  Main Objectives To coordinate and integrate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior neutrino (ν) beam facilities for Europe. … to establish a road map for upgrade of our present facility and the design and construction of new ones … to assemble a community capable of sustaining the technical realisation and scientific exploitation of these facilities and to foster a sequence of carefully prioritized and coordinated initiatives capable to establish, propose and execute the R&D efforts necessary to achieve these goals.  Means Coordinated efforts of 51 laboratories in 13 countries, investing 0.92 MEuro MEuro (E.U.) over 5 years (2004 – 2008)  History & Status Autumn 2002: creation of ESGARD and recommendation to propose to the E.U. an Integrated Activity about R. & D. for accelerators in the frame of the F.P. 6 Winter 2002/2003: preparation of a proposal April 2003: BENE proposal submitted to the E.U., as an N.A. inside the CARE I.A. August 2003: publication of E.U.’s reviewers conclusion approval of BENE at 30 % of the financial request November 2003: reformulation of CARE to adapt to the allocated budget and comply with detailed (and fluctuating !) E.U. requirements 19 till 21, November 2003: public announcement & finalization of the planning and work organization (CARE kick off meeting) January 2004: official start inside B eams for E uropean N eutrino E xperiments

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/  Work Package 2: High Power proton drivers (P. Debu, CEA) will compare the merits of SuperConducting Proton Linacs and Rapid Cycling Synchrotron and will propose a choice, based also on the HARP data presently being analysed. It will evaluate approaches to intense H- ion sources, fast beam choppers, (hybrid) drift tube linacs, coupled cavities, side coupled linacs, low  SC structures and RF systems, in close connection with the HIPPI JRA. First goal: prepare an updated Conceptual Design Report of the SPL (draft: Dec.2004 – final: June 2005) inside B eams for E uropean N eutrino E xperiments

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/ BINP + VNIITF  Subject: “Development of the technological basis for serial production of CCDTL structures in the energy range of MeV for the SPL project. Feasibility study of effective application of normal conducting CCL structures up to the energy of MeV. “  Cost: k$ 550  Status: approved (21/10/2003) & starting 2. ITEP + VNIIEF  Subject: “Development of Alvarez-type accelerating structures for the room-temperature part of the CERN SPL project.“  Cost: k$ 498  Status: pending approval 3. IHEP + VNIIEF  Subject: “Design and manufacture of DTL-RFQ focusing and accelerating structure prototype for a 3-40 MeV H- linac of the SPL project.“  Cost: k$ 500  Status: pending approval PLANNING:  Information and coordination between contributions including HIPPI [November 17 & 21 (CERN)]  ISTC decision concerning the 2 pending projects [March 2004 at the latest] INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CENTER ISTC supported projects

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/ fast chopper (inside quadrupole) bunching cavity Bunch Shape and Halo Monitor  3.6 m long line, doing the beam chopping (minimization of longitudinal capture loss in the synchrotron) and the matching from RFQ to DTL.  Beam dynamics studied; final prototypes of key equipments are in construction (chopper, buncher and BSHM)  Quadrupoles and power supplies are recuperated from the CERN linacs Design of the 3 MeV chopper line

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/ Progress & Plans for RF accelerating structures (3 – 160 MeV) 3 – 40 MeV: DTL (with CEA/IN2P3 and ITEP/VNIIEF): construction of a prototype Tank1 with dummy drift tubes + complete drift tube prototype (2006) or DTL-RFQ: high power prototype to be designed and built by IHEP/VNIIEF (2006) 40 – 90 MeV: CCDTL full power one-cell prototype built at CERN (end 2003). Multi-cell prototype to be built at BINP/VNIITF (2006). 90 – 160 MeV: SCL: low power prototypes to be developed jointly by IN2P3 (Grenoble) and BINP/VNIITF.

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/ Status of human resources for the SPL

R.G. D.S. proposal 18/12/ SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATION 1. Work for the proton driver is already taking place. 2. Because specifications & type of the optimum proton driver are not yet defined, a Proton Driver work package cannot be precisely described. [The situation will improve within ~ 24 months.] 3. Because the present resources at CERN are hardly sufficient for the existing commitments, the CERN SPL team cannot be engaged into an additional work package. [This may change depending upon CERN strategy for the future.]