Colin Buchanan A Mobility Management Plan for the National University of Ireland, Galway
About the Company A leading independent multi-disciplinary practice Aim is to find long- term solutions Integrated approach Over 200 staff; offices in the UK and Ireland Study team based in Galway and Bristol NUIG
Our Track Record Mobility Management Planning Group Extensive Experience: Employment Education Residential Leisure Higher Education: University of Glamorgan Heriott-Watt University Stirling University Winner of Welsh National Transport Award 2004
Strategic Planning at NUIG Nuig Expansion Efficient site utilisation Ensure maximum return for investment Prepare for future growth Planning consents Planning for Growth University Masterplan Mobility Management Strategy Mobility Management Plan Parking Management Policy Queen Elizabeth Park
Peer Review United Kingdom Extensive uptake Demonstrable best practice University of Bristol University of Glamorgan University of East Anglia Europe Widespread uptake Established practice Glamorgan Bus Service
For NUIG What is Mobility Management? Management Tool Safeguarding Access Maximise On-Site Resources Minimise Impact on Local Network Engage With Stakeholders Partnership Working Queen Elizabeth Park
Outline Objectives for NUIG To ensure access and improve choice of transport options to staff /students to the NUIG; To ensure the optimal utilisation of NUIG car parking resources; To reduce number of cars arriving at the NUIG; and To reduce the environmental impact of the NUIG’s travel demands. NUIG
Initiating Mobility Management at NUIG Identify Opportunities Site Assessment Existing transport infrastructure Marketing and Awareness Promotional Strategy Engaging Stakeholders Reference Group University Community Wider Galway ‘Community’ User Groups Public Consultation
Marketing and Data Collection First stage of awareness raising Engage stakeholders Provide information Tackle prejudice and misinformation ‘Prime’ audience for further stages, including travel surveys Involve User Groups Mobility Management ‘Roadshows’ NUIG
Data Collation and Analysis Travel Surveys Staff (and Student) body Attitudinal and qualitative data collection Electronic delivery and response Traffic and Parking Surveys Multi-modal access counts Parking supply and demand Analysis Questionnaire data Home address and accessibility assessment
Identifying a Mobility Management Strategy Synthesise Thinking Into Draft Plan Report on Data Collected and Analysis Devise Objectives and Targets Mobility Management Plan Strategy Management and Resourcing Marketing and Promotion Measures Implementation Programme (Phased with University Masterplan and Parking Policy) Monitoring Strategy Stakeholder Consultation Surveys
Parking Management Policy Compliments Mobility Management Plan Coherent vision for parking resource Key aspect of successful demand management Phased strategy to reflect University Masterplan NUIG
Work Schedule
Benefits The plan will seek to reduce car reliance – it will not be anti-car. Mobility Management Plans are effective - an average 18% reduction in single occupancy vehicles is recorded in UK and Europe. Mobility Management Plans make commercial sense – a cohesive strategy that encompass all elements of access, travel and parking. Effective consultation allows staff input to designing the right solutions.