Growing Sectionalism This was due to the differing opinions over slavery. How should new states be brought into the Union? Slave States Free States This.


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Presentation transcript:

Growing Sectionalism This was due to the differing opinions over slavery. How should new states be brought into the Union? Slave States Free States This could upset the balance of power in Congress.

Missouri Compromise 1819 There were eleven free and eleven slave states. Missouri requested admission into the Union as a slave state. Compromise Maine would be admitted as a free state Missouri as a slave state No more slavery in the Louisiana Territory

Election of 1824 Four candidates in the election of 1824 “Favorite Sons” were men who had support from their own state and region. Henry Clay of KY Andrew Jackson of TN John Q. Adams of MA William Crawford of GA

Election of 1824 Jackson won the popular vote; however, none of the candidates won a majority of the Electoral Vote The Election went to the House where Clay supported Adams, if Adams would make Clay the Secretary of State Jackson refers to the election as a “Corrupt Bargain” Democratic Republicans – Democrats National Republican - Adams